Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Specialist (600-460 UCCEIS) Practice Exam
Implementing and Supporting Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise (600-460 SUCCESS)
About Implementing and Supporting Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise (600-460 UCCEIS)
600-460 exam tests a candidate's knowledge of installing and deploying Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise (Cisco Unified CCE) solutions. Cisco Unified CCE is part of the Cisco Unified Communications application suite, which delivers intelligent call routing, network-to-desktop computer telephony integration (CTI), and multichannel contact management to contact center agents over an IP network.
Skills Required
For this exam candidates should have skills that include installing, setting up, configuring, and troubleshooting the solution.
Course Structure
the Implementing and Supporting Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise (600-460 UCCEIS) covers the following topics -
Module 1 - Describe the Fault Tolerant Characteristics of the Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Solution including Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal, Cisco Unified Intelligence Center, and Cisco Finesse 14%
1.1 Explain the fault-tolerant integration of Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal in the Cisco Unified CCE solution
1.2 Explain what Cisco Unified ICM router key is
1.3 Describe the steps required for Cisco Finesse configuration updates
1.4 Describe the internal communications between Cisco Unified ICM components
1.5 Describe the requirements for Cisco Unified ICM heartbeats
1.6 Describe the synchronization between Cisco Unified ICM components
1.7 Describe the considerations for upgrading one or more components of the Cisco Unified CCE solution
1.8 Describe the impact of a network failure in the Cisco Unified CCE solution
1.9 Explain how the Cisco (Unified ICM) call routing script can detect and route around failed system components of the Cisco Unified CCE solution
Module 2 - Describe the Installation Process for ICM Components of the Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Solution including Cisco Unified CVP, Cisco Unified IC, and Cisco Finesse 21%
2.1 Describe the configuration elements for Cisco Unified CVP that is required in Unified ICM
2.2 Describe the install and setup for SIP dialer and voice gateways
2.3 Describe the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center requirements using virtualization environment
2.4 Explain the configuration roles for agent teams
2.5 Describe the install and configuration requirements for Cisco Finesse
2.6 Describe the configuration limits for Packaged CCE
2.7 Describe the configuration requirements for voice gateway used in Packed CCE deployment
2.8 Explain the required configuration to use significant digits
2.9 Explain the required software to install and setup VMware Hypervisor
2.10 Describe the configuration options required to enable the Outbound option in the Cisco Unified ICM
2.11 Describe the role of the Cisco Unified ICM Domain Manager tool
2.12 Describe the Unified ICM routing clients
Module 3 - Describe the Call Flow Scripting Process in Cisco Unified ICM and Cisco Unified CVP for the Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Solution 18%
3.1 Describe the precision queue scripting consideration
3.2 Describe the Extended Call Context variables with Cisco Unified CVP
3.3 Describe the functionality limitation imposed when you use Cisco Unified CVP MicroApp
3.4 Describe the elements needed to trigger Cisco Unified ICM script
3.5 Describe configuration elements to make VXML gateway part of Cisco Unified CVP deployment
3.6 Describe configuration elements needed for post call survey
3.7 Describe outbound scripting considerations
3.8 Describe the impact that Cisco Unified ICM scripting has on reporting in the Cisco Unified CCE solution
3.9 Describe configuration elements needed for sig digits
3.10 Explain the options available in Cisco Unified ICM call routing scripts to access external databases for call routing
3.11 Describe how MicroApp can capture DTMF
Module 4 - Understanding Cisco Unified CCE Tools Including Cisco Unified ICM, Cisco Unified CVP, Cisco Unified IC, and Cisco Finesse Tools 16%
4.1 Describe the available tools in the Cisco Unified CCE solution to support Cisco Unified
Intelligent Contact Management
4.2 Describe the available tools in the Cisco Unified CCE solution to support the Cisco
Unified Communications Manager
4.3 Describe the available tools in the Cisco Unified CCE solution to support the Cisco
Unified CVP Customer Response Solutions
4.4 Describe the available tools in the Cisco Unified CCE solution to support Cisco Finesse
4.5 Describe the available tools in the Cisco Unified CCE solution to support the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center
Module 5- Identify Cisco Unified ICM, Cisco Unified CVP, and Cisco Finesse 11%
5.1 Identify issues in Cisco Unified CVP log and trace files
5.2 Identify issues in Cisco Unified ICM and CTI log and trace files
5.3 Identify issues in Cisco Unified Enterprise outbound option log and trace files
5.4 Identify issues in Cisco Finesse log and trace files
5.5 Identify issues in Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise security
Module 6 - Understanding Cisco Unified CCE Agent Supervision Issues and Considerations 7%
6.1 Identify Ring No Answer issues and considerations
6.2 Identify Cisco Finesse considerations to avoid agent issues
6.3 Understanding Cisco Finesse Administration to avoid agent issues
6.4 Identify issues with agents not being able to log into Cisco Unified CCE
6.5 Identify issues with agent call behavior
Module 7- Understanding Cisco Unified CCE Solution Call Flow Issues and Considerations 13%
7.1 Identify call flow issues and considerations for the Cisco Unified ICM call routing scripts for inbound and outbound calls
7.2 Identify call flow issues for agent transfers in the Cisco Unified CCE solution
7.3 Identify call flow issues and considerations for the Cisco Unified CVP scripts
7.4 Identify Cisco Unified CVP configuration elements and their purpose
7.5 Identify call flow issues and considerations for the VXML gateways
7.6 Identify voice quality issues
Exam Pattern
- Exam Name: Implementing and Supporting Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise
- Exam Code: 600-460 UCCEIS
- Length of Time: 75 Minutes
- Number of Questions: 65-75
- Exam Language English
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