All about COBIT 2019
COBIT 2019, (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology), is a globally accepted framework. COBIT optimizes the enterprise IT governance.
The framework aligns and links both, the IT and business goals. It also creates processes to link the specific IT silos with the business.
The framework brings to focus, the risk management in perspective of a control and management context. It follows a continuous improvement process which generalizes audit practice and focuses risk management.
The newly launched COBIT 2019, better address governance by including 40 governance and management objectives for establishing a governance program in the COBIT Core Model.
The 40 objectives are suitable for a specific domain, as
- Governance Objectives – Evaluate, Direct and Monitor (EDM)
- Management Objectives – Align, Plan and Organize (APO), Build Acquire and Implement (BAI), Deliver, Service and Support (DSS), and Monitor, Evaluate and Assess (MEA)
The prioritization of management and business goals uses the goals cascade. Also, the framework is now a practitioner-powered open-source model.

What COBIT, is not
COBIT is not a standard like ISO 20000 or any other international standard. The framework does not specify implementation details but, provides guidance to design, implement and monitor processes.
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