Validate, Publish and Share Model-Driven App

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In order, validate an app to check for asset dependencies that are required for the app to work, but haven’t yet been added to the Model-Driven App. Then, after successful validation, you should move to publish the app. Following are the steps to validate the app –

  • In the app designer, select Validate.
  • Secondly, to add the required assets, select the Required tab on the right side of the canvas. The Required tab is visible when at least one required asset is missing from the app.
  • In the next step, select the assets that you want to add, and then select Add Dependencies.

Share a model-driven app using Power Apps

For sharing, model-driven apps employ role-based security. A security role has rights that specify a set of activities that may be done on tables inside the app, which is the basic principle of role-based security. This technique means that while the app may be used by two users, one of them may only be able to view records or records that they made themselves. The other user could have access to all records and the ability to remove them.

One or more preset or custom security roles must be given to all app users. Teams can also be allocated security roles. When a user or team is allocated to one of these roles, they are given the privileges associated with that position.

A model-driven app is not shared in the same way that a canvas app is. Model-driven app sharing is determined by how the Microsoft Dataverse data table rights for the app’s tables are assigned.

Assign security roles or people to a model-driven app

You may share a model-driven app with all members of one or more security roles, as well as a user or team.

  • Sign in to Power Apps, then pick Apps from the left navigation bar, then…, and then Share next to the programme you wish to share.
  • Choose one of the following options from the Share app name pane:
    • To see all possible security roles, choose the app and then the drop-down list. From the security role selection list, choose the security roles you desire.
  • To assign an individual user or team, go to the People list and choose the person’s or team’s name.
  • Select Share.

Create or edit a security role for your app

Custom tables and other custom setups are common in model-driven programs. It’s critical to first define a security role with the appropriate amount of privilege for all of your app’s components.

1. Create or configure a security role

Predefined security roles that mirror typical user duties are included in Power Platform Power Apps settings with a Dataverse database, with access levels designed to fit the security best-practice aim of allowing access to the least amount of business data necessary to utilize the app. The rights in the basic security roles provide you access to common tables like accounts and contact.

By default, custom tables and tables that are new to the environment will have no rights assigned to them. Before users may operate with a custom table, the rights must be expressly stated. You can perform one of the following things to do this.

  • Copy and modify the privileges of an existing security role. It is preferable to copy rather than construct a security role from scratch since there are a number of privileges that must be established in order to create a genuine role that extends beyond rights on certain tables.
  • Create a new custom security role from the ground up for the purpose of controlling app user privileges. Configure the new role for all tables relevant to the user in the app.
  • Edit a predetermined security role, such as Basic User, to add privileges (read, write, delete, and so on) for entries depending on the custom table.
2. Copy a security role to create a new one

The instructions below will show you how to make a new security job from a copy of an existing one.

  • Sign in to Power Apps, then pick Apps from the left navigation bar, then…, and then Share next to the programme you wish to share.
  • Expand the list of security responsibilities after selecting the app.
  • Select Manage Security Roles from the drop-down menu.
  • A new browser tab appears, listing the possible security roles in the environment. Choose a security role, such as Basic User, that you want to duplicate. Then choose More Actions > Copy Role from the drop-down menu.
  • Select OK after entering the role’s name. Note If you need a new role, go to the All Roles tab and click New.
  • In a new browser window, the copied security role appears in the security role designer. You may choose from a variety of actions, such as read, write, or delete, as well as the scope of the action. The scope of an activity specifies how far down or up the environment’s structure the user may go. If the copied role does not open in the security role designer, make sure the environment domain pop-up blocker is off in your web browser.
  • Select the Custom Entities tab, then look for the custom table you’re looking for.
  • For the custom table, choose the rights and scope you want. The Pet Schedulers security role has been established with read, write, and add access for the custom Pet table throughout the whole company in this example.
  • Choose Save and Exit.
  • You assign people to the security role once you’ve developed a custom security role and specified the required rights.
3 Add the security role to a solution

Custom security roles should be included in a Power Platform solution to ensure application lifecycle management. Follow these procedures to create a security role to your solution:

  • Select the environment with the unmanaged solution in Power Apps.
  • Open the solution where the security role is required.
  • Select Add existing > Security > Security Role from the drop-down menu.
  • Choose the newly formed security role from the drop-down menu.
  • Add is the option to choose.

Sharing model-driven applications do not yet send an email with a link to the app, unlike sharing canvas apps. To gain a direct connection to an app, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Power Apps section.
  • From the left navigation pane, select Solutions, and then open the solution that contains the model-driven app.
  • Select Edit on the command bar after selecting the model-driven app.
  • Select the Properties tab in the traditional designer, then copy the Unified Interface URL.
  • Paste the app URL somewhere where your users will be able to find it, such as on a SharePoint site or in an email.

For more visit: Create or configure a security role

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