(C_EWM_95) SAP Extended Warehouse Management 9.5 : FAQ’s

Everything you need to know about the SAP EWM 9.5 exam. Find answers to all of your queries regarding the exam C_EWM_95.
What is C_EWM_95 Exam?
SAP Certified Application Associate – SAP Extended Warehouse Management 9.5 (C_EWM_95) certification exam verifies the possession of the fundamental and core knowledge required of the SAP EWM Implementation Consultant profile. Basically, this certification proves that the candidate has an overall understanding and in‐depth technical skills to participate as a member of a project team in a mentored role. Also, this certification exam is recommended as an entry level qualification.
What are the prerequisites for the exam?
There are no mandatory pre-requisites for the exam.
Who is the intended audience for the exam?
SAP EWM 9.5 certification exam validate the expertise and experience of SAP consultants, professionals, and software users who currently work in an SAP environment, or wish to do so, and are required for several roles and responsibilities
What are the main topics covered in Exam C_EWM_95?
The main topics in this exam are –
- Outbound Processes (Wave Mgmnt., CD, Production Integration) (> 12%)
- Inbound Processes (VAS, CD, QM) (> 12%)
- Cross Topics (Labor Management, Exception Handling, MFS, Batches) (8% – 12%)
- Process & Layout Oriented Storage Control (8% – 12%)
- Warehouse Structure, Resource Management and EWM Master Data (8% – 12%)
- Warehouse Process Types, Warehouse Task Creation, Strategies (8% – 12%)
- Shipping and Receiving (< 8%)
- Internal processing (Physical Inventory, Replenishment) (< 8%)
- Warehouse Management (Monitor – Cockpit) (< 8%)
- System Integration and CIF (< 8%)
- Delivery Document Customizing/Service Profiles (< 8%)
- Warehouse Order and Warehouse Order Creation Rules (< 8%)
How many questions will be there in the exam?
There will be 80 questions.
How much do I need to score to pass the exam?
You need to score 65% to pass the exam.
How long will the exam be?
The exam duration is 180 minutes.
What is the level of Exam C_EWM_95?
It is an Associate level exam.
What is the procedure for registering for the exam?
Following are the steps to register for the SAP SAP Extended Warehouse Management 9.5 exam:
- Firstly, purchase a subscription to Certification Hub by booking “CER006-Certification Hub” at SAP Training Shop (academic students can purchase a subscription here).
- Next, an invoice with payment instructions will be sent to the invoice recipient you specify.
- And then, schedule your exam within Certification Hub
What if I do not pass in first attempt?
You can take any SAP Global Certification exam up to 3 times. If you do not pass an exam after 3 attempts, you will need to re-register for the next release of the exam. If you do not pass the next release after 3 attempts, you will not be able to retake the exam until the next edition is released (within 1 year).