Learning S3 Encryption
Learning S3 Encryption
We will now be detailing learning S3 Encryption with the various methods of encryption.
- We can set default encryption on a bucket
- With, default setting, all objects are encrypted when stored in bucket.
- objects are encrypted using server-side encryption with
- Amazon S3-managed keys (SSE-S3)
- AWS KMS-managed keys (SSE-KMS)

Learning S3 Encryption
S3 object encryption methods
- SSE-S3: encrypts S3 objects using keys handled & managed by AWS
- SSE-KMS: leverage AWS Key Management Service to manage encryption keys
- SSE-C: when you want to manage own encryption keys
- Client Side Encryption
- SSE-S3: encryption using keys handled & managed by AWS S3
- Object is encrypted server side
- AES-256 encryption type
- Must set header: x “x- – amz- – server- – side- –

- SSE-KMS: encryption using keys handled & managed by KMS
- KMS Advantages: user control + audit trail
- Object is encrypted server side
- Must set header: x “x- – amz- – server- – side- – encryption”: ” aws:kms” “

- SSE-C: server-side encryption using data keys fully managed by customer outside of AWS
- Amazon S3 does not store encryption key you provide
- HTTPS must be used
- Encryption key must provided in HTTP headers, for every HTTP request made

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