Qlik Sense System Administrator Interview Question

Preparing for an interview is as important as preparing for an exam. Therefore, preparing for an interview takes a lot more practice, time, effort and confidence to ace any exam. First Impression is the last impression so you have to give your best. Therefore, to help our candidates to prepare well for the Qlik Sense System Administrator interview, we have tried our best to present you with the best and expert-revised interview questions. Moreover, we have covered all Qlik Sense System Administrator Interview Question from basic to intermediate and to advance level. Therefore, we highly recommend the aspirants prepare with the best and achieve the best.
Given Below are some top Qlik Sense System Administrator Interview Questions. This would help the candidates get an idea about what types and patterns they should expect and prepare accordingly.
1. Explain Qlik Sense architecture?
The Qlik Sense architecture consists of one or more nodes. Each node runs some or all of the software services that perform specific roles in a Qlik Sense site. Moreover, you can distribute services across nodes for better performance and scalability. This architecture is flexible enough to suit the needs of most organizations, and can vary from small, single-server sites to large, multi-server installations.
2. What is a Site?
A Qlik Sense site is a collection of one or more nodes (servers) connected to a single repository database, and sharing a single license. Each site also contains a common set of data in the form of apps and configuration data.
3. What is a Single-node site?
A single node site is the smallest site possible and consists of a single node, which is also the central node of the site. It contains the Qlik Sense services, the repository database, and the file share all on a one-server computer.
4. Give some Benefits of multi-node sites.
Benefits of multi-node sites include:
- Better scalability, making it easier to increase capacity
- Improved resilience and reliability
- Ability to move apps or roles to specific nodes
- Flexibility to suit customer network deployments
5. What are the functions of a node?
Each node in a Qlik Sense site can:
- Perform different roles
- Deploy a set of Qlik Sense services
- Operate independently
6. What is the role of Qlik Sense Repository Service?
The Qlik Sense Repository Service (QRS) manages persistence and synchronization of Qlik Sense apps, licensing, security, and service configuration data. The QRS attaches to a Qlik Sense Repository Database and is needed by all other Qlik Sense services to run and to serve Qlik Sense apps. In addition, the QRS stores the Qlik Sense app structures and the paths to the binary files as well.
7. What is a Stream?
A stream enables users to read and/or publish apps, sheets, and stories. Users who have publish access to a stream, create the content for that specific stream. The stream access pattern on a Qlik Sense site is determined by the security rules for each stream. By default, Qlik Sense includes two streams: Everyone and Monitoring apps.
8. What are Data Connections?
Data connections enable you to select and load data from a data source. All data connections are managed centrally from the QMC. Data connections are created in the Qlik Sense data load editor. The user who creates a data connection automatically becomes the owner of that connection and is by default the only user who can access the data connection.
9. What all things can Extensions be?
Extensions can be several different things: A widget library, a custom theme, or a visualization extension, used to visualize data, for example, in an interactive map where you can select different regions.
10. What are attributes referred to as in Qlik Sense?
In Qlik Sense, attributes are referred to as properties. Properties are used to identify the user who is requesting access, the resource that is impacted by the request, and the environment from which the request is made.
11. Define Custom properties.
Custom properties enable you to define properties of your own and assign possible values. This enables you to complement default environment properties with properties of your own. Custom properties also enable you to work with user roles or types.
12. Explain Property-based access control.
Access control is property-based and the properties are used to describe the parties involved in an access request. In this case the parties involved are the following:
- The User making the request
- The Environment the request is made from
- The Resource the request applies to
13. What are the Rules of Qlik Sense?
Qlik Sense is supplied with predefined sets of rules called ReadOnly and Default rules. These rules are supplied to make it possible for QMC administrators to maintain the Qlik Sense system and create, update and maintain security rules. ReadOnly rules are ones that are critical to the security and cannot be edited. Default rules can be edited to suit your company and system requirements.
14. What is a License Enabler File (LEF)?
The License Enabler File (LEF) defines the terms of your license and the access types that you can allocate to user
15. What are the Two major types of licenses?
here are two major license types: one that is user-based and one that is token-based.
- User-based license: you can allocate professional access and analyzer access. The LEF determines the distribution of the two access types.
- Token-based license: you can allocate user access and login access. The LEF determines the number of tokens that you can allocate to the two access types.
16. What is the purpose of Professional access?
You allocate professional access to an identified user to allow the user to access streams and apps within a Qlik Sense site. The professional access is intended for users who need access to all features in a Qlik Sense installation. A user with professional access can create, edit, and publish sheets or apps, and make full use of the available features.
17. What is Qlik Management Console (QMC)?
The Qlik Management Console (QMC) provides apps for monitoring system performance and usage on Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows server nodes and for monitoring license usage.
18. Give Some examples of Monitoring Apps.
Monitoring apps include:
- The Log Monitor app presents nearly all log data available and enables trend analysis and troubleshooting.
- The Sessions Monitor app shows log data about usage of apps.
- The Reloads Monitor app presents detailed information about reload data, both from the QMC and apps open in the hub.
- The Sense System Performance Analyzer app displays Qlik Sense performance across all nodes.
19. What precautions should you keep in mind when you backup a Qlik Sense site?
To backup a Qlik Sense site, you must back up the following:
- Qlik Sense certificates
- Qlik Sense Repository Database
- Shared persistence file share
20. What is Qlik Sense Repository Database?
The Qlik Sense Repository Database is a PostgreSQL database that contains system data and meta data about apps. The Qlik Sense Repository Database can reside on the central node or on another computer. If the Qlik Sense Repository Database was installed during setup it will be located on the central node. Otherwise, it may be located on another computer.
21. What are the precautions you should keep in mind while doing Multi-node deployments?
In a multi-node deployment, all nodes must run the same version of Qlik Sense to be able to communicate with each other. It is recommended to upgrade with all nodes offline, and to start with the central node.
22. How do you edit a Data Table?
To edit a data table, do the following;
- Click @ on the data table you want to edit. The data table editor opens, and you can perform the edits and transformations you want to do.
- Click Close to return
23. What do you mean by Concatenation?
Concatenation combines two tables into a single table with combined fields. It consolidates content, reducing the number of separate tables and fields that share content.
24. What restrictions do Automatically concatenated tables have?
utomatically concatenated tables have the following restrictions:
- You cannot change field categories.
- You cannot unpivot an automatically concatenated table.
- You cannot add or remove data with Select data from source.
25. What does Forced concatenation enables you to do?
Forced concatenation enables you to control mapping and exclude fields from the final concatenated table. Forced concatenation supports additional transformations. Using forced concatenation, you can:
- Concatenate a concatenated table with another table.
- Concatenate an unpivoted table with another table. Forcibly concatenated tables can be unpivoted.
- Concatenate tables with calculated fields. Calculated fields can be concatenated to other fields in a forced concatenation. Calculated fields can be added to forcibly concatenated tables.
26. Give any three restrictions of Forced concatenation Tables.
orcibly concatenated tables have the following restrictions:
- Forced concatenation requires at least one field from each table be included in the concatenated table, although they need not be mapped together.
- Date fields cannot be formatted after concatenation. Date fields must have the same format applied to them before concatenation.
- You cannot change field categories after concatenation.
27. What is a data model viewer?
The data model viewer provides you with an overview of the data structure of the app. You can preview data in the tables and fields in the data model viewer. You can also create dimensions and measures on-the-fly.
28. What are the key points to effective visualizations?
To build effective visualizations, you should:
- Understand the data sources for your visualizations
- Select visualization types that align with your purpose
- Update visualizations to help users understand the data
29. What data assets are necessary while creating visualizations?
The following data assets are available when creating visualizations:
- Fields
- Measures
- Dimensions
- Master items
30. Define Measures in visualizations.
Measures are the data that you want to show. Measures are created from an expression composed of aggregation functions, such as Sum or Max, combined with one or several fields.
31. What are dimensions?
Dimensions determine how the data in a visualization is grouped – for example total sales per country or number of products per supplier. Dimensions display the distinct values from the field selected as a dimension. They can also be calculated using an expression.
32. What are Master Items?
Master items are dimensions, measures, or visualizations that can be reused in other visualizations and sheets in your app. Updating a master item updates every instance of it. This means you could have the same measure in 5 visualizations, and they would all update whenever the master item is changed. They also have more design options available.
33. Explain Quantitative Data.
Quantitative data can be ratios or intervals:
- Ratio: Ratios are quantitative data that you can perform arithmetic operations on, such as cost or age.For example, you can sum sales values for the month to get totals.
- Interval: Intervals are quantitative data that you cannot perform arithmetic operations on. For example, you cannot calculate a sum of temperatures during the week, but you can calculate the average temperature per day, and the high/low for each day.
34. What are the two types of operators?
here are two types of operators:
- Unary operators (take only one operand)
- Binary operators (take two operands)
35. Define Smart Search.
Smart search is the global search tool in Qlik Sense, enabling you to search the entire data set in your app from any sheet in the app. Smart search is available from the selections bar.
36. When do you use Alternate states in Qlik Sense?
If you want to perform comparative analysis you can use alternate states in Qlik Sense. Alternate states allow you to make different selections on the same dimension, and compare the selections in a single visualization or in two or more visualizations side by side.
37. In what ways can you use Alternate States?
You can use alternate states in visualizations in two different ways:
- Applying a state to the visualization. This connects the selection of the visualization to the selection of the state.
- Using states in the set expression of a measure. This is useful to compare measure values of different states.
38. How can you re-publish an app?
To republish an app, create a duplicate of the published app, edit the duplicate and publish it. Use the option Replace existing app to replace a published app. You can also import an exported app and replace the existing app with it.