PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) Interview Questions

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PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) Interview Questions

Preparing for an interview is as important as preparing for an exam. Therefore, preparing for an interview takes a lot more practice and confidence to ace any exam. You have to make the best first impression. So to help our candidates to prepare well for the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) interview, we have tried our best to present you with the best and expert-revised interview questions. Candidates should research the company, job roles, and responsibilities, and most importantly look confident while answering any question.

Furthermore, we have covered all PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) interview questions from basic to intermediate and advanced level. Therefore, we highly recommend the aspirants prepare with the best and achieve the best. But first, you should be familiar with the basics of what the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) exam is all about.

About the Exam:

  • This exam is meant for candidates who have experience using agile approaches, have good collaboration skills, eagerly embrace complexity and thrive on rapid response times.
  • Secondly, the PMI-ACP crosses many methods to agile such as Scrum, Kanban, Lean, extreme programming (XP), and test-driven development (TDD).
  • And, it will enhance your versatility, wheresoever your projects may take you.

Therefore, to help our users with the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) Interview round us along with our professionals to introduce you to the best Interview questions.

Now let’s begin with some of the most important PMI-ACP interview questions.

1. List the 12 principles of Agile?

  • Satisfy Customers Through Early & Continuous Delivery
  • Welcome Changing Requirements Even Late in the Project
  • Deliver Value Frequently
  • Break the Silos of Your Project
  • Build Projects Around Motivated Individuals
  • The Most Effective Way of Communication is Face-to-face
  • Working Software is the Primary Measure of Progress
  • Maintain a Sustainable Working Pace
  • Continuous Excellence Enhances Agility
  • Simplicity is Essential
  • Self-organizing Teams Generate Most Value
  • Lastly, Regularly Reflect and Adjust Your Way of Work to Boost Effectiveness

2. What are the four values of Agile?

They are as follow:

  • individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • working software over comprehensive documentation
  • customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Lastly, responding to change over following a plan.

3. What are the key scrum principles?

  • Firstly, Control over the empirical process.
  • Secondly, Self-organization.
  • Thirdly, Collaboration
  • Fourthly, Value-based prioritization.
  • Fifthly, Timeboxing
  • Lastly, Iterative development.

4. What is SWOT analysis?

SWOT analysis is used to ensure that your decisions will hold up to the scrutiny of disgruntled stakeholders and will enable you to support the most profitable projects at the opportune time. It is used to make better portfolio business decisions.

5. What do you understand by Backlog Grooming?

Backlog grooming is the method of combining new user stories to the backlog, re-prioritizing current stories as needed, creating assessments, and deconstructing larger stories into smaller stories or tasks.

6. When does a developer break the build?

When a developer makes modifications to the source code repository that cause a future build process to fail, the build is considered broken.

7. When do you say a build is broken?

The build is broken if the build process is not successfully completed for any amount of purposes including failure to compile, compiling with unacceptable warnings, or the failure of any number of automated tests.

8. What are the initiatives that you will take for risk planning?

  • Firstly, Discovering risks
  • Secondly, Analyzing potential risks including their probability and anticipated impact
  • Thirdly, Prioritizing risks
  • Fourthly, Developing risk responses for opportunities and hazards
  • Lastly, Maintaining a risk register 

9. List some examples of motivation theories and formal techniques?

  • McGregor’s Theory
  • Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
  • McClelland’s Theory
  • Hertzberg’s Theory
  • Lastly, Maslow’s Theory

10. Define the Build Process or Build Pipeline?

The build process or build pipeline is defined as the process in which a story goes from beginning to generation, usually going through different stages and inspections to ensure quality. Moreover, the build pipeline defines the workflow for software delivery and everything happens at each stage.

11. What do you understand by Done (DoD)?

The criteria for accepting work as completed. The entire team, including the company, is responsible for defining these criteria.

12. What are the different levels of “Done”?

Generally, there are three levels of “Done” (also known as Done-Done-Done):

  • Done: Developed runs on developer’s box
  • Done: Verified by running unit tests, code review, etc.
  • Lastly, Done: Validated as being of deliverable quality with functional tests, reviews, etc.

13. What are the three steps in Portfolio management process?

The three steps in the portfolio management process are:

  • planning
  • execution
  • Lastly, feedback.

14. What is MVP?

MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product. It is defined as the smallest working product that can be built and tested and delivered in a given time that provides value to users.

15. How to ensure efficient and effective communication?

  • making your message understood
  • receiving/understanding the intended message
  • Lastly, by exerting some control over the flow of the communication.

16. What are the responsibilities of Product owner?

The responsibilities of the Product Owner include:

  • Firstly, establishing, nurturing, and communicating the product vision
  • Secondly, creating and leading a team of developers to best provide value to the customer
  • Thirdly, monitoring the project against its ROI goals and an investment vision
  • Lastly, making decisions about when to create an official release

17. List the major key features around which Project management revolves?

  • Integration
  • Scope
  • Time
  • Cost
  • Quality
  • Procurement
  • Human resources
  • Communications
  • Risk management
  • Lastly, Stakeholder management

18. Who is a Internal Stakeholders?

Internal stakeholders could be within the organization. Most commonly, they are the inevitable users of the project, but they could also be the heads of marketing, IT or human resources, other employees, trade unions, and so on.

19. What do you understand by External Stakeholders?

External stakeholders are the individuals or organizations who are not part of the client organization but although have an interest in the project. They are perhaps the stakeholder groups most easily recognized.

20. The External Stakeholders generally consists of?

  • Funders, whether this is a government department, grant provider, or private sector partner.
  • Users, whether these be passengers for a transport project or visitors for a museum.
  • Regulatory authorities.
  • Those affected, who may be neighbors or those working or living nearby.
  • The press and media are other significant groups who can greatly influence the perception of the project and its perceived and in some cases actual, success.

21. List five distinct steps in effectively managing a change process?

  • Defining the change objective.
  • Developing a strategy and plans to achieve that objective.
  • Creating a project management group to effect the change.
  • Installing a control process to monitor progress.
  • Lastly, by managing the project by implementing the above four steps.

22. What do you mean by Stakeholder Analysis?

Stakeholder analysis refers to a set of approaches or instruments used to identify and comprehend the needs and expectations of significant stakeholders both inside and outside the project environment.

23. What is the use of governance model?

The governance model helps define the work and authority of its committees and frames how committees communicate and report their efforts to the board and management team. Governance models build the authority that presides over compliance, risk, legal, finance, and audit matters.

24. What is Scrum?

Scrum is a framework for developing complicated software products in an iterative and incremental fashion and is the most widely recognized Agile framework. Moreover, scrum is composed of a series of short iterations called sprints each of which ends with the delivery of an increment of working software.

25. What does a ScrumMaster do?

The ScrumMaster is in charge of the team’s general health as well as the Scrum process. Furthermore, it ensures that the team is completely functioning and productive by removing any roadblocks to their work. Scrum ceremonies are also organised by the ScrumMaster.

26. What do you understand by Refactoring?

Refactoring is used to Change existing software code in order to improve the overall design. Refactoring normally do not change the observable behavior of the software; it improves its internal structure.

27. Explain the Planning Poker process?

Planning Poker is a consensus-based procedure for estimating, mostly used to estimate effort or relative size of tasks in software development. Moreover, the team uses the Fibonacci series or T-shirt sizing to estimate stories during the planning poker game.

28. Why Coaching is So Important in Project Management?

Coaching is very important in project management because the project manager must fill various roles in the completion of a project.

  • To begin, the project manager must act as an integrator, which means that he or she is frequently the only person who can see both the project and how it fits into the organization’s larger strategy.
  • The project manager must explain and integrate the project with persons from outside the project team who may or may not be employees of the company.

29. What is a Burndown Chart?

A graph depicting the total number of task hours left each day. It depicts where the team stands in terms of completing the tasks allocated to the sprint. The X-axis shows the number of days left in the sprint, while the Y-axis reflects the amount of work left.

30. What do you know about performance reports?

Performance reports are generated to show the project’s current state and actual performance in relation to predefined benchmarks.

31. What is an Impediment?

An obstruction is something that inhibits a team member from working as effectively as possible. During the daily standup meeting, each team member has the chance to announce any barriers.

32. What do you understand by OD? List some of its applications?

Organizational Development (OD) approaches can assist individuals in preparing for and adapting to change in the workplace. Psychology and small group theory are used to develop OD skills. OD may assist by:

  • Firstly, Providing a common language for helping individuals view interpersonal behavior
  • Secondly, Increasing motivation by getting people to work better together and build team spirit
  • Thirdly, Explaining the process of organizational change that is happening or will occur, and
  • Lastly, Helping individuals and groups resolve specific problems.

33. What does a Stakeholder register include?

A stakeholder registry contains information on various stakeholders’ interests and powers, as well as their present degree of engagement. As new stakeholders are identified throughout the project lifespan, they are added to the register.

34. What happens when risks are analyzed?

Once the risks are identified, they are analyzed to identify the qualitative and quantitative impact of the risk on the project so that suitable steps can be taken to mitigate them.

35. List the Benefit of Project Management Coaching?

  • Firstly, Improvement of current competences
  • Secondly, Better communication and negotiation skills
  • Thirdly, Greater mental flexibility and problem-solving capability
  • Lastly, Better relationship with all the project stakeholders

36. Define Estimation?

The process of determining the amount of stories or jobs in a product backlog. Estimation is frequently done by the team in charge of delivering the work on agile projects, and it is usually done using a planning game or planning poker.

37. Explain the Project Initiating stage?

The project manager’s delivery competence is targeted to the performing organization and project stakeholders at this phase, allowing for a proper description of project objectives.

38. What is the difference between Kanban and Scrum?

The fundamental distinction between Kanban and Scrum is that Scrum restricts work in progress through sprints, whereas Kanban limits work in progress by restricting the amount of work that can be done at any given moment.

39. What are the techniques required to collect project requirements?

The major techniques required to collect project requirements are as follow:

  • Data gathering
  • Data analysis
  • Observation
  • Affinity diagram
  • Prioritization of the requirements by using techniques like MoSCoW
  • Lastly, Prototyping

40. List the fundamental principles of system thinking?

  • Firstly, Wholeness and Interaction
  • Secondly, Openness
  • Thirdly, Patterns
  • Fourthly, Purposefulness
  • Fifthly, Multidimensionality
  • Lastly, Counterintuitive

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