COBIT Performance Management Definition and Principles

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Performance management principles are an essential component of the COBIT 2019 Framework for the governance and management system. Performance management is an indispensable component of the COBIT 2019 governance system.

As per Wikipedia, performance management is the process of ensuring that a set of activities and outputs meets an organization’s goals in an effective and efficient manner.

“Performance management” represents a general term for all activities and methods. It expresses how well the governance and management system and all the components of an enterprise work, and how they can be improved to achieve the required level. It includes concepts and methods such as capability levels and maturity levels. COBIT uses the term COBIT performance management (CPM) to describe these activities, and the concept is an integral part of the COBIT framework.

Performance management principles COBIT 2019
Source: ISACA, COBIT 2019 Framework: Introduction and Methodology, USA, 2018

COBIT 2019 Performance Management Principles

The COBIT Performance Management for COBIT 2019 framework is based on the following principles:

  • The CPM (COBIT Performance Management) should be simple to understand and use.
  • It should be consistent with, and support, the COBIT conceptual model. The CPM should enable management of the performance of all types of components of the governance system; it must be possible to manage the performance of processes as well as the performance of other types of components (e.g., organizational structures or information), if users wish to do so.
  • The CPM (COBIT Performance Management) should provide reliable, repeatable and relevant results.
  • It must be flexible, so it can support the requirements of different organizations with different priorities and needs.
  • The COBIT Performance Management should support different types of assessment, from self-assessments to formal appraisals or audits.

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