Oracle 1Z0-1037-20 FAQs

It is an admitted fact that certification is of great significance for workers to get better high paying jobs. Oracle 1Z0-1037-20 | Oracle Knowledge Management Cloud 2020 Certified Implementation Specialist exam demonstrates the knowledge required to use and modify answers, set up reports, give better ideas and configure queues. Individuals who earn this certification are able to integrate with Connect web service for SOAP API and use Knowledge Advanced. Let’s begin with Oracle 1Z0-1037-20 FAQs Now!
Top Oracle 1Z0-1037-20 FAQs
What do I need to bring for my exam appointment?
Prepare to show at least two forms of identification. One must be a government-issued photo identification. Both forms of identification must contain your signature. Provide a signature and, all Pearson VUE Test Centers will require a photo be taken.
What is the Oracle 1Z0-1037-20 exam retake policy?
You must wait 14 days before retaking your Proctored exam is you were unable to clear it in the first attempt. However, you may retake an online non-proctored exam at any time. Moreover you cannot reappear for a passed exam.
How much time does it take to release the result of exam 1Z0-1037-20?
Within 30 minutes of completing the Oracle Certification exam, you will receive an email from Oracle notifying you that your exam results are available in CertView. If you have previously authenticated your CertView account, simply log in and select the option to “See My New Exam Result Now”. If you have not authenticated your CertView account yet at this point, you will need to proceed with your account authentication.
What time is given to the students to complete the 1Z0-1037-20 exam?
The candidate will be given 85 minutes to complete the exam.
What are the passing marks for the 1Z0-1037-20 exam?
The candidate has to score 64% in order to pass the 1Z0-1037-20 exam
What is the format of the 1Z0-1037-20 examination?
The exam questions are in multiple choice format.
What is the cost of 1Z0-1037-20 examination?
The cost of Oracle 1Z0-1037-20 exam is $245 USD.
How long is my certification valid?
Your Oracle certification is valid for a period of 18 months from the date you earn the credential. Your credential will become inactive at the end of 18 months.
Does the Oracle exam require Re-certification?
As your certification becomes inactive after 18 months you need to re-certify yourself with the latest version of the exam. Oracle requires you to hold an active credential to access their certification benefits namely, logos, eCertifications, digital badges and verification.
When will I get my exam result?
Within 30 minutes of you completing your Oracle 1Z0-1037-20 exam, you will receive an email form Oracle notifying you that your exam results are ready and are available on CertView.
How many times can I appear for an exam?
Oracle allows you 4 attempts to pass an exam, in a 12 month period.
How can I get a copy of My Oracle course competition certificate?
In order for the candidate to request a course-completion certificate or check on the status of their course-completion certificate, please contact the local Oracle University Representative. Please be sure that you specify you are requesting your course-completion documentation and not a certificate from the certification program.
How do I become Oracle certified?
In order to become Oracle Certified, the candidate will need to complete any training requirements, pass the required exam(s), and complete the Course Submission Form. The candidate can find more information on becoming Oracle Certified on the Oracle Certification page of the Oracle Certification Site.
I cannot access my exam results when I click on See My New Exam Results Now. How can I get my exam results?
If there is a technical issue that affects the function of the See My New Exam Results Now link, you can access your exam results by signing in to, and clicking on the Certification Status and then on Exam History. Results will be available here by 24 hours after you have taken the exam.