NCFM Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management: FAQ’s

Find answers to all the possible questions about the Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management exam.
What does the exam demystifies?
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management is a growing field in the area of finance. This exam aims at creating a better understanding of the various concepts/principles related to investment analysis and portfolio management.
What is the target audience for the exam?
The exam is targeted towards the following mentioned audience:
- Firstly, Students of Management and Commerce
- Secondly, Finance Professionals
- Also, Employees with the Treasury & Investment division of banks and financial institutions
- Lastly, anybody having interest in this subject
How do I register for the exam?
Candidates can register online by accessing the link ‘Online Registration’ available under Education>Certifications>Online Register / Enroll.
What are the objectives of the exam?
For the test, the course outline includes:
- Firstly, Objectives of Investment Decisions
- Secondly, Financial Markets
- Thirdly, Fixed Income Securities
- Fourthly, Capital Market Efficiency
- Furthermore, Financial Analysis and Valuation
- Also, Modern Portfolio theory
- Moreover, Valuation of Derivatives
- Lastly, Investment Management
How long is the duration of the exam?
The exam duration is 120 minutes.
What is the total number of questions in the exam?
The total number of questions in the exam are supposed to be 60.
How much do I need to score to pass the exam?
60% is the passing score.
Is there any negative marking?
Yes, for every wrong answer there’s negative marking.
What is the validity of the certification of the exam?
For successful candidates, certificates are valid for 5 years from the test date.