National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) FAQs

1. What is NCRC?
The ACT NCRC is a certification based on events and is portable that provides the crucial skills required for workplace success. It is very beneficial for employers as they look for it from job candidates, whether they come directly from high school, work-based learning programs, or through postsecondary paths, as it is a valid indication of job performance. To earn this certificate the candidates have to successfully pass the three assessments in Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents.
2. In what language is the exam conducted?
The NCRC exam is conducted in two languages- English, Spanish
3. What is the NCRC Exam Format?
The exam format is multiple-choice.
4. What is the exam duration?
All the three assessments are of 55 minutes.
5. Is the NCRC worth the time and effort?
Yes, earning the NCRC is worth the time and effort because of the following reasons-
- This certification can build confidence and skill required to meet the needs of employers.
- This is termed as a concrete proof of the skills the candidate has to show the prospective employer.
- This certificate determines skill enhancement and training needs.
- This will provide career benefits and much better opportunities.
6. How can I register for NCRC workkeys assessments?
The candidates can register for the WorkKeys Assessments through any ACT-licensed test center nationwide.
7. What is the Scale Scores?
- Scale Scores is a method used by educators for tracking growth in skills over time. This is not used for hiring or advancement decisions.
- Further, the scale score interpretation guide helps in explaining what the score is, hwo to use this, and how it was developed.
8. What are Level Scores?
The Level Scores are used for hiring and decisions related to advancements. The score is based on ACT WorkKeys job profiles that are a snapshot of the skills required for a particular job.
9. What are the total levels in the WorkKey Assessments?
There are a total of five levels, ranging from level 3 to level 7. Level 3 is the simplest, while level 7 is the most difficult.
10. What is the total number of items in the Graphic Literacy Assessment?
This assessment has a total of 38 items.
11. What is the total number of items on Workplace Documents Assessment?
This assessment has a total of 35 items.
12. What is the total number of items on Applied Math Assessment?
The total number of items is 34.
13. What is the eligibility criteria for earning the NCRC?
The candidates are required to pass at least level 3 of all the three assessments in order to earn the NCRC.