MuleSoft Certified Developer-Level 1 (Mule 4) Sample Questions

A MuleSoft Certified Developer – Level 1 ought to have the option to work successfully on basic Mule 4 ventures with direction and oversight effectively. The MCD – Level 1 (Mule 4) test approves that an engineer has the necessary information and abilities to configure, construct, test, and troubleshoot, convey, and oversee essential APIs and reconciliations: moving from Anypoint Platform to Anypoint Studio and back.
Advanced Sample Questions
Which component in Mule 4 is used to read data from a database?
- a. HTTP Listener
- b. File Connector
- c. Database Connector
- d. Batch Processing
Answer: c. Database Connector
Explanation: The Database Connector in Mule 4 is used to read data from a database. It provides a standardized way to connect to various types of databases and execute SQL queries.
Which component in Mule 4 is used to transform data from one format to another?
- a. Set Payload
- b. Transform Message
- c. Logger
- d. HTTP Request
Answer: b. Transform Message
Explanation: The Transform Message component in Mule 4 is used to transform data from one format to another. It can be used to convert data between XML, JSON, and other formats, and to perform various types of data manipulation and enrichment.
Which component in Mule 4 is used to route messages to different endpoints based on content-based routing?
- a. Choice Router
- b. Round Robin Router
- c. Scatter Gather Router
- d. Foreach Router
Answer: a. Choice Router
Explanation: The Choice Router component in Mule 4 is used to route messages to different endpoints based on content-based routing. It evaluates the message content and routes the message to the appropriate endpoint based on a set of predefined criteria.
Which component in Mule 4 is used to create and manage OAuth 2.0 access tokens?
- a. HTTP Request
- b. OAuth 2.0 Provider
- c. Transform Message
- d. Database Connector
Answer: b. OAuth 2.0 Provider
Explanation: The OAuth 2.0 Provider component in Mule 4 is used to create and manage OAuth 2.0 access tokens. It provides a secure way to authenticate and authorize access to protected resources.
Which component in Mule 4 is used to integrate with RESTful web services?
- a. HTTP Listener
- b. HTTP Request
- c. File Connector
- d. Database Connector
Answer: b. HTTP Request
Explanation: The HTTP Request component in Mule 4 is used to integrate with RESTful web services. It provides a standardized way to send HTTP requests and receive responses, and supports a variety of HTTP methods and content types.
Which scope in Mule 4 is used to define a variable that is visible only within a particular flow?
- a. Application
- b. Session
- c. Flow
- d. Prototype
Answer: c. Flow
Explanation: The Flow scope in Mule 4 is used to define a variable that is visible only within a particular flow. Variables defined in this scope are not visible outside of the flow, and are destroyed when the flow is completed.
Which operator in Mule 4 is used to concatenate strings?
- a. +
- b. –
- c. *
- d. /
Answer: a. +
Explanation: The + operator in Mule 4 is used to concatenate strings. It can be used to join two or more strings together to create a new string.
Which Mule 4 feature is used to execute code in response to an event, such as a message arriving on a queue?
- a. Flow
- b. Subflow
- c. Batch Processing
- d. DataWeave
Answer: a. Flow
Explanation: A Flow in Mule 4 is used to execute code in response to an event, such as a message arriving on a queue. It is the basic building block of a Mule 4 application, and defines the sequence of message processors that are executed when an event occurs.
Which Mule 4 component is used to read and write files?
- a. HTTP Listener
- b. File Connector
- c. Database Connector
- d. Batch Processing
Answer: b. File Connector
Explanation: The File Connector in Mule 4 is used to read and write files. It provides a standardized way to interact with files on a file system, and supports a variety of file formats and operations.
Which Mule 4 component is used to split a message into multiple messages based on a specified condition?
- a. Splitter
- b. Choice Router
- c. For-Each
- d. Scatter-Gather
Answer: a. Splitter
Explanation: The Splitter component in Mule 4 is used to split a message into multiple messages based on a specified condition. It can be used to split an array or a collection into individual messages, or to split a message into multiple messages based on a specific delimiter or pattern.
Basic Sample Questions
1.) How might you investigate or debug Mule applications?
A. Utilizing breakpoints
B. Actually taking a look at RAML
C. By Deploying applications in production
D. Cannot do this
Right Answer: A
2.) What does to the qualities of a Mule event occur in a flow after an outbound HTTP Request is made?
A. Attributes don’t change.
B. Past attributes are passed unaltered.
C. Attributes are supplanted with new qualities from the HTTP Request response.
D. New attributes might be added from the HTTP reaction headers, however, no headers are at any point taken out.
Right Answer: C
3.) The new RAML spec has been distributed to Anypoint Exchange with client qualifications.
What is the following stage to accessing the API?
A. Email the owners of the API.
B. Make another client application.
C. No extra steps are required.
D. Request access to the API in Anypoint Exchange.
Right Answer: D
4.) What is the distinction between a subflow and a sync fow?
A. Sync flow has no error treatment of its own and subflow does.
B. Subflow has no error treatment of its own and sync flow does.
C. Sync flow is asynchronous and subflow is synchronous.
D. No distinction.
Right Answer: B
5.) What among the following is not an asset?
A. Example
B. Template
C. Exchange
D. Connector
Right Answer: C
6.) How to import Core (dw::Core) module into your DataWeave scripts?
A. import dw::core
B. Not required
C. None of these
D. import core
Right Answer: B
7.) What is the value of the stepVar variable after the handling of records in a Batch Job?
A. – 1
B. 0
C. Invalid
D. Last value from the flow
Right Answer: C
8.) What is the item type returned by the File List activity?
A. Object of Mule event objects
B. Object of String file names
C. Array of String file names
D. Array of Mule event objects
Right Answer: D
9.) Where are upsides of question boundaries put away in the Mule occasion by the HTTP Listener?
A. Payload
B. Variables
C. Inbound Properties
D. Attributes
Right Answer: B
10.) How might you call a flow from Dataweave?
A. Not permitted
B. Tag function
C. Lookup function
D. Include function
Right Answer: C
11.) DataWeave is firmly coordinated with __.
A. Mule runtime
B. All APIs
C. Flow Designer
D. Exchange
Right Answer: A
12.) In the Database On Table Row activity, what does the Watermark segment empower the On Table Row activity to do?
A. To save the latest records recovered from a database to empower database caching.
B. To empower copy handling of records in a database.
C. To keep away from copy handling of records in a database.
D. To erase the latest records recovered from an database to empower database caching.
Right Answer: C
13.) As indicated by Semantic Versioning, which version could you change for inconsistent API changes?
D. No change
Right Answer: B
14.) What is the utilization of DevKit in Mule 4?
A. Works with communication between third party systems and Mule applications.
B. No utilization.
C. Offers connector end client support in a couple of parts of Mule application plan.
D. Empowers the improvement of Anypoint Connectors.
Right Answer: B
15.) A Scatter-Gather processes various separate HTTP demands. Each solicitation returns a Mule occasion with a JSON payload.
What is the last result of the Scatter-Gather?
A. An Object containing all Mule event Objects.
B. An Array containing all Mule event Objects.
C. None of these.
D. The last Mule event object.
Right Answer: A
16.) What are the most recent detail of RAML that is available?
A. 0.8
B. 1
C. 2
D. 1.8
Right Answer: B
17.) An API has been made in Design Center. What is the subsequent stage to make the API discoverable?
A. Enable autodiscovery in API Manager.
B. Publish the API from inside stream designer.
C. Publish the API to Anypoint Exchange.
D. Deploy the API to a Maven repository..
Right Answer: C
18.) What is the right method for organizing the decimal 200.1234 as a string to two decimal spots?
A. 200.1234 as string {format: “.0#”}
B. 200.1234 as string as organization: “.0#”
C. 200.1234 as String {format: “.0#”}
D. 200.1234 as String as organization: “.0#”
Right Answer: C
19.) How is strategy characterized as far as classloader of an API?
A. There is no such thing as classloader isolation between the application, the runtime and connectors, and arrangements.
B. Classloader isolation exists between the application, the runtime and connectors, and strategies.
C. None of these.
D. Classloader isolation somewhat exists between the application, the runtime and connectors, and strategies.
Right Answer: B
20.) As per Mulesoft, how are Modern APIs treated as?
A. soap services
B. code
C. products
D. organizations
Right Answer: A