MuleSoft Certified Developer-Level 1 (Mule 4) Exam FAQs

1. What is MuleSoft Certified Developer-Level 1 (Mule 4) Exam?
A Level 1 MuleSoft Certified Developer should be able to work on basic Mule 4 projects with supervision and guidance. Candidates studying for the MCD – Level 1 (Mule 4) exam will be assessed as developers, with knowledge and skills in designing, constructing, testing and debugging, deploying, and managing basic APIs and integrations, including moving from Anypoint Platform to Anypoint Studio and back.
2. What skills candidates will gain after passing the MuleSoft Certified Developer-Level 1 (Mule 4) Exam?
Candidates successfully passing the exam will be able to:
- Firstly, use MuleSoft-hosted Anypoint Platform for taking a basic API via all the steps of its lifecycle: design, build, deploy, manage, and govern.
- Secondly, use Anypoint Studio for creating, testing, and debugging basic integrations and API implementations.
- Thirdly, connect to a range of resources including databases, files, web services, SaaS applications, and JMS queues.
- Then, perform basic data transformations using DataWeave 2.0.
- Lastly, control event flow, handle errors, and process batch records.
3. How many questions will there be on the MuleSoft Certified Developer-Level 1 (Mule 4) Exam?
MuleSoft Certified Developer – Level 1 (Mule 4) exam is a closed book exam that will have 60 multiple-choice questions.
4. Is there any time duration for the MuleSoft Certified Developer-Level 1 (Mule 4) Exam?
For completing the exam, there is a time duration of 120 minutes.
5. What is the passing score for the exam?
To pass the exam, there is a minimum passing score of 70%.
6. How much do I have to pay for the MuleSoft Certified Developer-Level 1 (Mule 4) Exam?
The exam will cost you around $250 (USD).
7. In how many languages we can take the exam?
The exam can be given in the English language.
8. What is the MuleSoft Certified Developer-Level 1 (Mule 4) Exam validity?
The test has a two-year validity period, and you can extend it by taking the MuleSoft Certified Developer – Level 1 (Mule 4) MAINTENANCE exam.
9. How many attempts are there for the exam?
You can take the exam a maximum of 5 times, with a 24-hour wait between each attempt.
10. How to Schedule the Exam?
For scheduling, you have to log in to your learner account. Then, purchase the certification exam, prepare for the exam, and take the certification exam. And, MuleSoft no longer supports taking certification exams at physical test centers.
11. What is the MuleSoft Certified Developer-Level 1 (Mule 4) Exam Course Outline?
MuleSoft Certified Developer – Level 1 (Mule 4) exam validates candidate’s performance on the basis of the following topics:
- Firstly, explaining application network basics
- Secondly, designing and consuming APIs
- Thidly, accessing and modifying Mule events
- Fourthly, structuring Mule applications
- Then, creating API implementation interfaces
- Next, Routing events
- After that, handling errors
- Then, transforming data with DataWeave
- Using Connectors
- Then, processing records
- After that, debugging and troubleshooting Mule applications
- Lastly, deploying and managing APIs and integrations
12. Who is eligible for the MuleSoft exam?
For taking MuleSoft Certification exams, candidates must be 18 years of age or older. There should be only one exam account. However, if there are multiple exam accounts then, a violation of this agreement will be there.
13. How to reschedule or cancel the exam?
- Firstly, log in to your account at Then, click on Dashboard from the top menu.
- Secondly, click on Certification Exams under Enrollments. Then, locate the exam you want to reschedule.
- Thirdly for rescheduling the exam, click the BLUE calendar icon. This is available next to the name of the exam. After that, choose a new date and time.
- However, if you need to cancel your scheduled exam, then, locate the exam you want to cancel and click the RED calendar icon with an “x” inside of it.
14. I missed my scheduled exam, what should I do?
You will be able to reschedule the exam 24 hours after your missed session via your learner dashboard. You will lose one of your five chances if you do not show up for your exam on the appointed date and time. If this is your third, fourth, or fifth attempt, you will need to repurchase the exam.
15. When may I take my second certification exam attempt?
- If you do not pass the certification exam on your first attempt, you will be automatically enrolled for your second attempt at no cost.
- The exam will appear on your learner dashboard and you will be able to schedule the date and time of your second certification exam attempt at least 24 hours after your failed attempt.
- After 24 hours, the exam will be available for you to schedule in the Enrollments using the Schedule option.
16. How are the scores calculated for the Certification exam results?
- MuleSoft gives a PASS/FAIL and a percentage score for each exam component to keep our exams secure.
- We do not publish the total number of questions answered properly or wrongly because the score is based on total questions answered correctly.
- Calculating your test passing score based on the average topic score is not identical to calculating your exam passing score based on the overall final exam passing score because exam questions are weighted differently.
17. How do I access exam results?
- Firstly, log in to your MuleSoft Training account.
- Secondly, click on the Person icon and select My Learnings from the drop-down menu.
- Thirdly, scroll down the page until you see the section My Completions which contains a list of your completed MuleSoft Training courses and Certification Exams. Select Test History.
- Lastly, in the Test History page, you can view the different MuleSoft training courses you have taken and any Certification Exam attempts with the overall scores.
18. When is my exam certificate available and how do I download it?
Your Certification Exam certificate should be available within approximately ten business days of passing the exam. A status of Print Certificate will display under the corresponding completed training course for that exam, or under Completed Exams if you passed the exam without attending the training course.
For More: Check MuleSoft Certified Developer-Level 1 (Mule 4) Exam Policies