MSP Foundation FAQ

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MSP Foundation FAQ

Candidates preparing for the MSP Foundation certification exam must go through the most common MSP Foundation FAQ, to understand the basic details of the exam, in a better way. This will prove to be beneficial in preparing for the exam and hence attain certification to validate their skills.

Top MSP Foundation FAQ

How can I take a retake for the MSP certification exam?

The key gateway to obtaining the final certification is the foundation document. The Exam Practitioner is the next step. Even before the results of the Practitioner Exam are announced, candidates will sit for the last level i.e. the Advanced Practitioner exam.

What are the delivery methods for MSP accredited training courses?

Training in Managing Effective Programs (MSP) is available in a number of ways through our Accredited Training Organizations or their certified partners, including face-to-face training in a physical or virtual classroom, or through distance learning that can be offered through Learning Technology or other methods. A mixture of both could be some training solutions. See the Training section of our website for more information.

Which publication should I use to study for the MSP examination?

The courses and exams for the MSP are based on the publication “Managing Successful Programmes”. Visit the official store to buy this publication, and to browse other official MSP publications.

​What languages are the MSP examinations translated into?

MSP exams have been translated into a number of languages, representing the MSP’s international coverage and implementation. See the MSP Certification section for more information about the available languages

​How long are the MSP certifications valid for?

There is no expiry date for the Foundation test. Applicants who pass the Practitioner Examination are recognized as “MSP Registered Practitioner” and candidates who pass the Advanced Practitioner Examination are recognized as “MSP Registered Advanced Practitioner” For a span of five calendar years, individuals may remain registered.

How will MSP increase my program’s chance of success?

MSP will increase the chances of your program’s success by addressing the following issues – 

  • Allowing too much intricacy 
  • Failing to build a significant coalition 
  • Not realizing the need to have a clear vision 
  • Failure to clearly express the dream 
  • Allowing roadblocks against the dream 
  • Not planning for short-term wins and getting them 
  • Too soon declaring victory 
  • Not anchoring shifts in organisational culture. 

What other accreditation bodies recognize MSP?

All major project management institutes have earned MSP recognition.

What are the benefits of using MSP?

To use MSP, there are no charges or fees. It is an internationally accepted form of program management. In several countries and sectors, it is a de facto program management standard. 

What are the MSP qualifications and what will they teach me?

Three levels of MSP certification are available: MSP Base, MSP Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner MSP.

MSP Foundation Practice Tests