Juniper Junos Associate (JNCIA-Junos JN0-103) FAQ

What is JNCIA-Junos JN0-103 exam?
The Juniper Junos Associate (JNCIA-Junos JNO-103) examination is specially designed for candidates who have basic or intermediate knowledge of networking or are working as networking professionals. This written exam demonstrates the core understanding and functionality of the juniper networks Junos OS.
How many questions will be there in the exam?
There will be 65 questions which have to be completed in 90 minutes.
Who are the intended audience for the exam?
The exam is designed for networking professionals and designers with intermediate knowledge of data center network design, theory, and best practices. The written exam verifies the candidate’s understanding of data center network design principles.
Is there any prerequisite for the exam?
No there no prerequisite required.
What are the main topics covered in JNCIA-Junos JN0-103 exam?
- JUNOS OS Fundamentals
- User Interfaces
- Configuration Basis
- Operations Monitoring And Maintenance
- Routing Fundamentals
- Routing Policies And Firewall Filters
What variety of questions appears on Juniper (Junos) exam?
There will only be multiple-choice questions covered in Juniper (Junos) exam.
How to register for the examination ?
For registering, you may follow the following steps:
- Go to the official page of Juniper Networks
- Then scroll down to exam registration
- You will be redirected to the Pearson VUE page. Then scroll down to certManager ID and click on the Exam registration link
- If you already have an account with Juniper Networks sign in else sign up for a new account
- Follow the given instruction and complete the process.
- You will receive confirmation from the mail after the registration.
How the exam scores are calculated?
After the completion of your exam, the points you earned on each question are totaled and then compared with the cut score to determine whether the result is pass or fail.
For how long is this certification valid ?
The JNCDS-DC certification is valid for three years.