JMP Design and Analysis of Experiments Using JMP 14 FAQs

How many numbers of questions are there in the JMP Design and Analysis of Experiments exam?
There are 55-60 questions in total in the exam.
What is the JMP Design and Analysis of Experiments Using JMP 14 exam?
JMP Design and Analysis of Experiments Using JMP 14 exam check the understanding of the candidate to determine and choose the appropriate criteria to yield optimal designs, augment existing designs of experiments, and analyze various experiment designs including classic response surface, blocked and split-plot.
What is the format of the JMP Design and Analysis of Experiments exam?
The questions of the JMP Design and Analysis of Experiments exam are available in the form of multiple choice.
What time will be given to complete the JMP Design and Analysis of Experiments exam?
The candidate will be given a period of 150 minutes to complete their exam.
What is the fee for the JMP Design and Analysis of Experiments exam?
The examination fee of the JMP Design and Analysis of Experiments is $180.00 (USD).
Who is the target audience for the JMP Design and Analysis of Experiments exam?
Those who are interested in obtaining the JMP Design and Analysis of Experiments certification.
What is the exam number of the JMP Design and Analysis of Experiments exam?
The exam number of the JMP Design and Analysis of Experiments is A00-909.
What are the passing marks for the JMP Design and Analysis of Experiments exam?
The passing marks for the JMP Design and Analysis of Experiments are 725; uses a score range from 200 to 1,000 points.
What is a scaled score?
A scaled score converts the raw score ie. a number of test questions answered correctly to a consistent and standardized scale and is a common practice in certification programs to ensure that all forms of an exam have the same level of difficulty. This means that candidates taking the exam will have a consistent level of difficulty regardless of the set of exam questions presented.
Are practice exams available on the SAS website?
Yes, practice exams are available for purchase through SAS and Pearson VUE.
Can I retake my exam?
Candidates may attempt each certification exam up to five times in a 12-month period, waiting for a minimum of 14 days between attempts. Exam charges are incurred for each exam attempt. Exams that do not comply with this retake policy will be considered invalid and will not be eligible for a refund and/or a certification credential. However, Once a passing score is achieved on a specific exam, no further attempts are allowed on that exam.
How do I print my certificate?
After you earn a SAS Credential, your certificate will be available on the SAS Certification Manager system. Candidates receive an email containing information on accessing this system. If you have not received your email within one week from the date you earned your SAS credential, please contact us at [email protected].
How can I change my name on my certificate or in the Public Registry?
You will need to contact the SAS Global Certification Program at [email protected]. To ensure the security of your personal account, you will be required to provide legal documentation to validate your name change. Acceptable items of documentation must show the current name and the new name. Acceptable documentation includes a copy of a marriage certificate, divorce decree, or court order.
When will receive my Score Report?
You will receive an immediate pass/fail score upon completion of your exam attempt at your testing facility. The score report will display the percentage of items in each section that you answered correctly for your exam. You can obtain a copy of your score report at any time by logging into your Pearson VUE account.
What are interactive questions?
Interactive questions allow you to complete a task. The exam question will provide you with a work area. In this work area, you may be asked to:
- Use drag-and-drop functionality to configure a user interface component.
- Use drop-down lists, check boxes and radio buttons to configure user interface components.
- Build a SAS program from a list of available lines of code.
The exam scoring mechanism will evaluate the settings you have established in the work area to determine if the item is answered correctly.
What are short-answer questions?
Short-answer questions require you to type your answer in a text box, rather than select your answer from four options. Typically, you will provide a numeric answer or a short section of SAS programming code. When entering code, the case is ignored, and all variations of SAS syntax that correctly complete the program are accepted as correct.