ISTQB Foundation Level Performance Testing FAQ

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ISTQB Foundation Level Performance Testing FAQ

Candidates planning to attain the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level Performance Testing certification must learn the ISTQB Foundation Level Performance Testing FAQ to get a firm understanding of the various exam expectations, and thus prepare well for the exam.

Top ISTQB Foundation Level Performance Testing FAQ

What are the prerequisites of taking the exam

  • Candidates must be able to demonstrate their practical knowledge of software testing
  • Candidates must have a certification of ISTQB certified Tester to appear for this exam.
  • Must have first-hand experience in this field of knowledge.

Who are the target audience of the exam

The ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level Performance Testing credential is designed and developed for individuals with a spark for software testing and who wish to aspire and get into the same field of knowledge. Educators and freelancers who are engaged and curious about the subject can also appear for this exam.

What is the duration of the exam

The ISTQB CTFL Automotive Software Tester exam will be for a total of 90 minutes.

What topics does the exam cover

The CTFL Automotive Software Tester Specialist Certification exam covers the following topics –

  • Basic Concepts
  • Performance Measurement Fundamentals
  • Performance Testing in the Software Lifecycle
  • Performance Testing Tasks
  • Tools

How many questions are asked in the exam

A total of 40 questions comprise of the exam.

What is the passing score in order to get the certification

You must attain a passing score of 65% or above to achieve your certification

How much does the exam cost

The exam registration fee is $260 USD (plus tax where applicable).

What is the total marks of the exam

The exam will be for a total of 40 points. You will be required to score at least 26 points to pass the exam.

ISTQB Foundation Level Performance Testing Practice Tests