ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level Performance Testing

The ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level Performance Testing exam a foundational level exam of the ISTQB, and aims at providing experienced and talented candidates with genuine knowledge and integrity to shape and lead good team software testing. At this level, the candidates expected to emphasize their practical knowledge of the fundamentals of software testing to pass the exam and prove their credibility.
The ISTQB stands for International Software Testing Qualification Board. It is one of the best and well-known organizations. The candidates who the ISTQB CTFL-PT badge are one of the highly recommended candidates for a software testing job profile. They exhibit their mastery of conduct system performance testing to confirm the system’s trustworthiness, capability, and scalability. These candidates also play a major and significant role while proposing and directing fresh tools and techniques to enhance testing efficiency. They play a vital and critical role while planning, scheduling, budgeting and tracking activities.
Target Audience
The ISTQB Performance Testing Exam is designed and developed for individuals with a spark for software testing and who wish to aspire and get into the same field of knowledge. Educators and freelancers who are engaged and curious about the subject can also appear for this exam.
Recommended Knowledge and Prerequisites
The following are the prerequisites for appearing for the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level Performance Testing exam:
- Candidates must be able to demonstrate their practical knowledge of software testing
- Candidates must have a certification of ISTQB certified Tester to appear for this exam.
- Must have first-hand experience in this field of knowledge.
Exam Details
The Foundation Level Performance Testing exam asks 40 questions in the multiple-choice format (MCQs). The passing percentage for this exam is 65%. The candidates can take the exam in their mother tongue and get a total of 90 minutes to answer all the questions. For participants who take the ISTQB Performance Testing Exam Questions in its original language get 113 minutes to complete the exam.
For More Details See – ISTQB Foundation Level Performance Testing FAQ

Course Outline
All ISTQ Performance Testing Questions originate from the Course Outline. Therefore it is the most important section of your exam preparation. The ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level Performance Testing exam demonstrates candidates’ skills in the following domains.
Basic Concepts
- 1.1 Principles and Concepts
- 1.2 Types of Performance Testing
- 1.3 Testing Types in Performance Testing
- 1.4 The Concept of Load Generation
- 1.5 Common Failures in Performance Testing and Their Causes
Performance Measurement Fundamentals
- 2.1 Typical Metrics Collected in Performance Testing
- 2.2 Aggregating Results from Performance Testing
- 2.3 Key Sources of Performance Metrics
- 2.4 Typical Results of a Performance Test
Performance Testing in the Software Lifecycle
- 3.1 Principal Performance Testing Activities
- 3.2 Performance Risks for Different Architectures
- 3.3 Performance Risks Across the Software Development Lifecycle
- 3.4 Performance Testing Activities
Performance Testing Tasks
- 4.1 Planning
- 4.2 Analysis, Design and Implementation
- 4.3 Execution
- 4.4 Analyzing Results and Reporting
- 5.1 Tool Support
- 5.2 Tool Suitability
Preparation Guide for the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level Performance Testing Exam
As this certification is a performance-based exam that evaluates the military of candidates based on their knowledge and experience in the subject. It is suggested that candidates create a case study for themselves about the major concepts and practises that they learned and how they learned it accurately. This will not help them in revising what they have learned but also give space to evaluate and organise a material of their learned theories and practises. Enhancing this skill will prove to be beneficial for the exam. This is the least you can do in your free time.
Organising your work schedule and other life activities is also something vital that majorly candidates and aspirants should cultivate. As there will be less room for procrastination and more for productivity when the element of discipline and structured routines come in. It makes your working space, time and session move in a much smoother pace.

Learning Resource 1 – Official Website
The official website offers many documents in the form of PDF to the aspirants to assist them for the exams. These documents are one of the crucial and primary ones to be in your possession. As they are informative to candidates applying for the exam.
1. ISTQB CTFL-PT Accred – This document is a guide for candidates regarding their evaluation process and what are the necessary strokes they need to make. This document explains in-depth every aspect and step of the evaluation process and what candidates are expected to do. Without reading this document first candidates may end up having foamy doubts. This document is complemented by the syllabus, so to understand it thoroughly, candidates must also consider the syllabus on its side
2. ISTQB CTFL-PT Syllabus – This document is dedicated to enlightening the students about the syllabus. It contains all the topic-areas that will be featured in the exam.
3. ISTQB CTFL-PT Exam Structure – This document contains all the information regarding the exam’s structure. Knowing the exam’s structure is important as you will precisely understand and be aware of the composition of the exam. This will enhance your readiness for the exam.
4. ISTQB CTFL-PT Sample Exam Questions – The exam samples provided by the official website will aid you in preparing your own question sets for practising. You can rely on this material source as it’s from the official website so it wouldn’t be fake.
5. ISTQB CTFL-PT Sample Exam Answers – This document has sample exam answers that will help you to understand the composition and the level of answers that are expected by candidates.
Learning Resource 2 – Online Community
Online communities provide candidates with enthusiastic posts and daily encouragement that can come handy for aspirants who are determined to crack the exam and who enjoy being social. This platform can enhance their skills and align it with their confidence and devotion to pass the exams.
Evaluate with ISTQB Performance Testing Practice Exam
While practise tests still remain to be an old school method to clear all the hindrances that one could meet before the exam, in the modern world it continues to serve its purpose. It is proven to be one of the most effective technique to overcome negative emotions and also enhance your skills and memory for real. Attempting ISTQB Performance Testing Sample Questions is a great way to identify where you are in your studies and provide you a sense of what you still need to study. Therefore, when you begin preparing for your online assessment tests, it is prudent to choose the most appropriate practice tests online. Try the sample practice test which will help you to assess your actual performance in the real exam conditions. Start Practising with ISTQB Performance Testing Free Test