Identify the Properties that need to be Enforced by the Collection System: Order, Data Structure, Metadata, etc.

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  3. Identify the Properties that need to be Enforced by the Collection System: Order, Data Structure, Metadata, etc.

Data in big data systems can be classified with respect to five dimensions:

  • Mobility – It addresses the status of the data during processing and analysis activities and can be either batch or streaming. While the design of the batch processing modules should be aligned with the quality goals in terms of scalability, the design of the stream processing activities affects the performance of the system.
  • Structure – Depending on the source of the data, it can be of the following three structural phases: Unstructured, Semistructured, or Structured. The formation of the data processing, analysis and storage modules highly depends on the structure of the data.
  • Processing – It defines the processing state of the data. Initially, the data in big data systems is raw, and can be processed and analyzed. From the data integrity perspective, different use cases can call for different level of trust.
  • Modalities – Possible modalities of big data are textual, audio and video.
  • Security – It is crucial especially in the industries where data about people and financial/intellectual property is managed by the big data solutions.


You can assign your own metadata to streams you create in Amazon Kinesis Data Streams in the form of tags. A tag is a key-value pair that you define for a stream. Using tags is a simple yet powerful way to manage AWS resources and organize data, including billing data.

You use the Kinesis Data Streams console, AWS CLI, or Kinesis Data Streams API to complete the following tasks:

  • Add tags to a stream
  • List the tags for your streams
  • Remove tags from a stream

You can use tags to categorize your streams. For example, you can categorize streams by purpose, owner, or environment. Because you define the key and value for each tag, you can create a custom set of categories to meet your specific needs.

Tag Restrictions

The following restrictions apply to tags.

Basic restrictions

  • The maximum number of tags per resource (stream) is 50.
  • Tag keys and values are case-sensitive.
  • You can’t change or edit tags for a deleted stream.

Tag key restrictions

  • Each tag key must be unique. If you add a tag with a key that’s already in use, your new tag overwrites the existing key-value pair.
  • You can’t start a tag key with aws: because this prefix is reserved for use by AWS. AWS creates tags that begin with this prefix on your behalf, but you can’t edit or delete them.
  • Tag keys must be between 1 and 128 Unicode characters in length.
  • Tag keys must consist of the following characters: Unicode letters, digits, white space, and the following special characters: _ . / = + – @.

Tag value restrictions

  • Tag values must be between 0 and 255 Unicode characters in length.
  • Tag values can be blank. Otherwise, they must consist of the following characters: Unicode letters, digits, white space, and any of the following special characters: _ . / = + – @.

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