HCIA-Routing & Switching (H12-211) FAQ

What is HCIA-Routing & Switching (H12-211) Exam?
HCIA-Routing & Switching certification covers the basic knowledge and skills required for enterprise networks. HCIA-Routing & Switching curriculum provides trainees the skills needed to configure and maintain small-sized enterprise networks. Network engineers with HCIA-Routing & Switching certifications are able to construct small-sized enterprise networks and integrate voice, wireless, cloud, security, and storage technologies into the networks to support a variety of applications.
Is there any prerequisite for the exam?
There are no prerequisites for the H12-211exam.
What are the languages available for the exam?
The exam is available in English, Chinese, Spanish, French, Portuguese language.
Who are the intended audience for the exam?
HCIA-Routing & Switching is intended for the development of networking professionals who possess basic knowledge and skills in enterprise networks. The certification focuses on technologies involved in small-sized enterprise networks. HCIA-Routing & Switching certified engineers have basic knowledge in the general technologies involved in small-sized enterprise networks and possess the basic network design abilities.
What is the duration of the exam?
The H12-211 is a 90 minutes exam.
What is the fee structure of the H12-211 Exam?
The fee structure for the H12-211 exam is $200 USD.
How to register for the examination ?
To register yourself for the HCIA-Routing & Switching (H12-211) examination, follow the following steps:
- Go on the official website of the examination, HCIA-Routing & Switching (H12-211).
- Click on the exam option. Scroll down to the exam scrolling option.
- Follow the prompt and complete the registration.
- Once the registration is complete and payment is made, you will receive a confirmation mail from Huawei.
Who are the intended audience for the examination ?
ICT professionals or students interested in datacom network technologies. HCIA-Routing & Switching is intended for the development of networking professionals who possess basic knowledge and skills in enterprise networks. The certification focuses on technologies involved in small-sized enterprise networks. HCIA-Routing & Switching certified engineers have a basic knowledge in the general technologies involved in small-sized enterprise networks and possess the basic network design abilities.