Google Professional Cloud Developer Interview Questions

The Google Professional Cloud Developer is a professional certificate. These certifications are advocated for candidates with industry experience and familiarity with Google Cloud products and solutions. However, a Professional Cloud Developer is an individual who develops scalable and highly available applications with the help of Google’s recommended practices and tools. These tools are fully managed services. In addition, they have familiarity with next-generation databases, runtime environments, and developer tools as well. Also, they have proficiency with at least one general-purpose programming language. Nonetheless, they are skilled in using Stack driver to deliver meaningful metrics and logs to debug and trace code.
Now, let us look at some basic questions asked in the Google Professional Cloud Developer Interview and further see what types and patterns can be expected.
Google Professional Cloud Developer Basic Questions
What is Cloud Computing?
Cloud computing is described as computer power that is entirely stored in the cloud at all times. It is one of the most recent developments in the online saga sector, and it mostly relies on the Internet, i.e. the Cloud, for distribution. The cloud computing service is genuinely worldwide, with no regional or border limits. Almost every firm on the globe utilises Google Cloud in some form, ranging from tiny businesses that require computing help on a daily basis to enormous corporations.
What are the main features of Cloud Services?
The main features of Cloud Services are
- All the management activities associated with software can and is centralized easily to a central web service.
- The ability to design and develop web applications which are capable of handling multiple clients from across the globe at the same time.
- Putting an end to the need of downloading software upgrades by centralizing and automating the updating process of all software that is installed on the platform.
What and how many types of development models are used in the Cloud?
Similar to other complex and latest innovations in the technology industry, the development of cloud computing also calls for the use of a variety of development models. There are 4 main types of Development Models used in Cloud:
- Community Cloud
- Private Cloud
- Public Cloud
- Hybrid Cloud
How does Cloud Computing provide on-demand functionality?
Cloud computing as a technology was built on the foundation of offering functionality to all of its users on demand, at any time and from any location. The notion is considerably easier to achieve now than it was previously, thanks to recent improvements and simple access to apps like Google Cloud. Users may browse files in the cloud on any device at any time they choose, no matter where they are in the globe, thanks to programmes like Google Cloud.
What is Google Cloud Platform?
Google Cloud Platform is a cloud platform developed by Google, that helps people to access cloud systems and computing services. GCP provides a wide range of cloud computing services in the compute, database, storage, migration, and networking sectors.
To make a private cloud, what are the key features?
Service level policy management, Virtualization and Cloud Operating System are the three key features to make a private cloud.
Explain the benefit of API in cloud service
An Application Programming Interface (API) is a type of programming interface. APIs are helpful in cloud platforms because they allow for system integration. API eliminates the need for full-fledged programmes by providing instructions for communication between apps.
What are the type of application we can implement using the Cloud?
- E-commerce applications
- Internet Of Things
- Storage application etc
Google Professional Cloud Developer Advanced Questions
What is scalability in the Cloud?
Scalability is nothing but increase or decrease the service quality and ability
What is the elasticity?
Elasticity is nothing but adding or removing the virtual machine at the production environment
What is the importance of platform as service?
Yes platform as service is important in the cloud because of making proper virtualization it is important
How can secure the data for transport the Cloud?
To secure the data while the transporting happened, need to check encryption key.
What are Microservices?
Microservices are a cloud-native architectural paradigm that consists of several loosely connected and independently deployable tiny components or services that make up a single application.
What is Traffic Splitting Deployment?
Before finishing the deployment, you may do a traffic-splitting deployment to monitor the health of your new application version using a set fraction of production traffic. In the event that a traffic-splitting deployment fails, an automated rollback mechanism is triggered.
What do you mean by Rolling Deployment?
In a rolling update deployment, you update a subset of running application instances rather than updating all of them at the same time, as shown in the picture below. The number of instances that you update at the same time is referred to as the window size in this deployment method.
What is Canary Deployment?
The process of staging releases is known as canary deployment. We start by releasing a software update to a select group of users so that they may test it and offer comments. The update is given out to the rest of the users after the modification is accepted.
What is blue green deployment in cloud?
Blue-green deployment is a method for delivering software to production with little disruption and risk. It does this by operating Blue and Green, which are two identical production environments.
What is bootstrapping application?
A bootstrap loader is the initial piece of code that executes when a computer starts up, and it is in charge of loading the remainder of the operating system. “Bootstrapping” is also a word for creating a system from scratch — or, more accurately, from a previous version.
Define Kubernetes
Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration technology that automates many of the manual tasks associated with containerized application deployment, management, and scalability. Kubernetes clusters may span on-premises, public, private, and hybrid cloud hosts.
What is “EUCALYPTUS” in the context of cloud computing?
“EUCALYPTUS” is an open-source cloud computing framework for establishing cloud clusters that stands for “Elastic Utility Computing Architecture for Linking Your Programs To Useful Systems.” You can create public, private, and hybrid cloud systems using “EUCALYPTUS.” You can even have your own cloud data centre, which you may employ to harness its functioning within your company.
How do we create the Google Cloud project?
- Enter into the Platform Console of Google Cloud
- Once popup, select an existing project or create the new project
- In order to set up billing, follow the prompts.
What is the difference between Project Number and Id?
When a replacement project is produced, the project variety for that project is created automatically, but the project variety for the original project is created by the user. For many services, the project variety is needed and mandatory, although the project id is often optional.