FAQ for DP-100 exam by MS

How many questions will there be on the MS exam?
Most MS Certification exams contain between 40-60 questions; however, the number can vary depending on the exam.
What are the major topics on which exam will evaluate?
The exam will evaluate you on the following basis majorly:
- Set up an Azure Machine Learning Workspace (30-35%)
- Run Experiments and Train Models (25-30%)
- Optimize and Manage Models (20-25%)
- Deploy and Consume Models (20-25%)
What is the time allowed for taking the DP-100 exam?
Time duration for DP-100 exam is 180 minutes.
Which testing formats and question types will be used in the exam I’m taking?
Because Microsoft continually introduces innovative testing technologies and question types, we do not provide for the specific item types that will appear on a given exam. To get a feel for what you might see on an exam, MS encourage you to review some possible exam formats and question types.
How does Microsoft decide how many questions on a particular subject to include on the exam?
The skills measured on an exam are identified by subject-matter experts external to Microsoft (in other words, they are not Microsoft employees). This list of skills, called the “objective domain,” is the basis for exam development. The number of questions that measure each skill area is determined through the blueprinting process; sections of the exam measuring critical and/or more frequently performed skills will contain more questions than those that assess less important or less frequently performed skills.
Will the exam cover material that is not covered in the Microsoft training or Microsoft Press book I am using to prepare for the exam?
All learning materials related to a given job role are built from the same job task analysis. As a result, the learning content should be closely aligned to the exams. Keep in mind, however, that the learning materials are developed independently of exam content because the exams are intended to assess competence in the job role, not the effectiveness of training materials or learning. Because the exams are designed to assess your ability to apply skills beyond what was explicitly covered in the learning, the skills will be assessed at a higher level than was taught in the training. For some candidates, this can give the impression that the skill was not taught in the associated learning; however, all skills assessed on the exam are included in our learning options.
Am I required to take an exam in English?
Microsoft Certification exams are available in several languages. However, candidates who must take the exam in English rather than in their native language can request an accommodation for additional time. Approval for extra time is provided on a case-by-case basis and needs to be requested in advance of the exam. This should be requested through the accommodations process.
What disability accommodations are available?
Microsoft is dedicated to ensuring our exams are accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. For a list of available accommodations, please visit the accommodations section.
How much do exams cost?
DP-100 Exam typically cost US$165 but are priced according to currency values in specific countries and regions. Exam prices are subject to change. In some countries and regions, additional taxes may apply.
- For exact pricing for Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS), contact Certiport.
- For all other exams, browse all exams to find the exam page, which includes the price of the exam.
How can I provide feedback about study materials or training for the exam?
If you have feedback about an instructor-led Microsoft training course, provide it directly to the instructor. If you have feedback about a Microsoft online course, complete the feedback form that appears when you finish the course. Microsoft does not review study materials developed by third parties and is not responsible for their content. If you have questions or comments about exam preparation materials developed by third parties, please contact the publishers directly.
How can I submit feedback about an exam question or exam experience?
If you have a concern about the technical accuracy of a particular item, please follow the Exam Item Challenge process.
To report a concern about a testing center or technical difficulties experienced during your exam, please contact customer service at the appropriate exam delivery provider.
What types of questions appear on Microsoft Certification exams?
Because Microsoft continually introduces innovative testing technologies and question types, we do not provide for the specific item types that will appear on a given exam. To get a feel for what you might see on an exam, we encourage you to review some possible exam formats and question types.
Why is the case study exam format used?
The case study exam format uses complex scenarios that more accurately simulate what professionals do on the job. Scenario-based questions included in the case studies are designed to test your ability to identify the critical information needed to solve a problem and then analyze and synthesize it to make decisions. You can refer to scenario details as often as you’d like while you are working on questions in a case study.
After I complete a case study, will I be able to review the questions?
You may review the questions in a case study until you move to the next case or section of the exam. Once you leave a case study, however, you will not be able to review the questions associated with that case. When you complete a case study and its associated questions, a review screen will appear. This screen lets you review your answers and make changes before you move to the next case study.
Case studies are not timed separately from the rest of the exam. The number of case studies in an exam is noted on the exam introduction screen. Manage your exam time accordingly so that you can complete all case studies and all other sections of your exam.
What is the process for determining if an exam has been updated when a new feature or function is added or when something has changed in the associated technology?
MS review cloud-based exams every two months. Any changes that affect the objective domain and the existing questions are incorporated into the exam. Specifically, technically inaccurate questions are removed from the exam; some items are modified, and new items may be created to assess new, but related, skills. Microsoft reserves the right to update content for any reason at any time to maintain the validity and relevance of our certifications. This includes, but is not limited to, incorporating functionality and features related to technology changes, changing skills needed for success within a job role, etc.
How will I know if exam has been updated when a new feature or function is added or when something has changed in the associated technology?
MS update the exam details page to notify candidates if/when this occurs. Microsoft also include information about such updates in newsletters, blogs, and through other appropriate communication channels, and encourage you to sign up for such communications if you would like to know about these types of changes to the exam content.
Will the training kits, books, courseware, and other exam preparation materials be updated when the exam changes?
Microsoft makes every attempt possible to keep the training and exam aligned when changes occur; however, that is not always possible. Keep in mind that Microsoft exams are not intended as post-tests of any preparation or training product created by Microsoft or any third-party provider. certifications are designed to measure experience-based skills without bias regarding the way candidates obtain these skills.
Why did an exam include material that was not covered in the Microsoft training or Microsoft Press book?
All learning materials related to a given job role are built from the same job task analysis. As a result, the learning content should be closely aligned to the exams. Keep in mind, however, that the learning materials are developed independently of exam content because the exams are intended to assess competence in the job role, not the effectiveness of training materials or learning. Because the exams are designed to assess your ability to apply skills beyond what was explicitly covered in the learning, the skills will be assessed at a higher level than was taught in the training. For some candidates, this can give the impression that the skill was not taught in the associated learning; however, all skills assessed on the exam are included in our learning options.
What is a short answer question?
In the short answer question type, you solve a situation by writing several lines of code in the available text-entry area. You can choose from key word options which are provided for you to use in the code you write. Note that this is a general list and not specific to the commands required to solve the problem presented in the question. When you’re done entering your code, you can check your syntax. The syntax checker validates your code entry for syntax errors but does not validate that your entry is correct.
How are the short answer questions scored?
Microsoft use exact string matches. Although MS try to include all variations of formatting and code usage that could be considered correct, it’s possible that some are not included. This is why MS include several ways to check your syntax.
- MS provide a syntax checker that you can use to validate the syntax of your code (e.g., SQL commands) and values (e.g., table names and variable names) used in your solution. Any syntax errors appear in the window next to the Check Syntax button. You may change your code and re-validate the syntax as many times as you want. Note that the syntax checker does not validate whether you have answered the question correctly; it simply validates the accuracy of your syntax.
- MS include a list of common command key words so that you can easily check your spelling. This is a general list provided for reference and is not limited to commands used in the question.
- MS designed the questions to minimize the amount of syntax that you must duplicate from the syntax already provided in the questions themselves
How many points are short answer questions worth?
Most of the short answer questions are worth one point. If the question is worth more than one point, we indicate the number of points that it is worth in the question itself.
Am I penalized for answering incorrectly?
No, you are not penalized for answering incorrectly. You simply don’t earn some or all of the possible points. For single-point items, you need to answer completely and correctly to be awarded the point. For multi-point items, you earn points for the parts of your response that are correct, and you don’t earn points for the parts of your response that are incorrect. We don’t deduct points from your score for incorrect answers.
Am I able to review all of my answers before leaving a section or completing the exam?
Before leaving a section or completing the exam, you can review your answers to most questions. However, there is a series of yes/no questions that describe a problem and a possible solution and then ask whether the solution solves the problem. Given the nature of these questions, you are not able to review your answers. In addition, after you move to the next question in this set, you are not able to change your answer. These questions are preceded by an overview screen that provides this information, and each question includes a reminder that you cannot return to the question or change your answer after leaving it.
Because you are not penalized for wrong answers and exams contain some items you cannot review or change your answer to, a good best practice is to answer every question before moving to the next one. Mark questions for review to return to them if you can.
How and when will I get my exam results?
You will receive notification of your pass or fail status within a few minutes of completing your exam. In addition, you will receive a printed report that provides your exam score and feedback on your performance on the skill areas measured. The exam delivery provider will forward your score to Microsoft within five business days.