EXIN Agile Scrum Master Sample Questions

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EXIN Agile Scrum Master Sample Questions

The EXIN Agile Scrum Master certification is distinctive because it integrates scrum methods and agile principles with real-world assignments. Your ability to coach, enable, and facilitate a cross-functional team as a Scrum Master is put to the test. With this certification, you can demonstrate that you are proficient in using the Agile framework and the Scrum methodology. The article provides a list of EXIN Agile Scrum Master Sample Questions that cover core exam topics including –

  • Domain 1: Agile Way of Thinking (10%)
  • Domain 2: Scrum Master Role (27.5%)
  • Domain 3: Agile Estimating, Planning, Monitoring and Control (32.5%)
  • Domain 4: Complex Projects (12.5%)
  • Domain 5: Adopting Agile (17.5)

Q1)User stories are estimated by your team using Story Points. You are not making the kind of progress you anticipated during a Sprint’s halfway point. When compared to other Stories, the Team believes some Stories are not estimated appropriately. What should you do about this?

  • A. Finish up unfinished Stories
  • B. Boost or re-estimate Velocity 
  • C. Re-estimate all short stories
  • D. Change to using Ideal days

Correct Answer: A

Q2) Why is a Product Owner not permitted to specify the Development Team’s workload for a new Sprint?

  • A. This goes against the development team’s self-management principle.
  • B. The Product Owner is unaware of the Development Team’s velocity.
  • C. The Development Team’s velocity is under the Scrum Master’s control.
  • D. The Product Owner and Scrum Master must concur on the Development Team’s workload.

Correct Answer: A

Q3) What is the toughest obstacle you have to overcome to convert your software development team to Scrum?

  • A. Implementing specific technological procedures
  • B. Team members might already be busy
  • C. Improvements could happen too quickly

Correct Answer: B

Q4) Your company discovered that the Product Owner constantly experiences greater stress than the developer and other project members. What is a typical remedy for that?

  • A. Compiling a list of tasks for the Product Owner
  • B. Alternating Scrum Masters
  • C. Using a team of product owners

Q5) A Scrum Team advises breaking the project up into three 2-week sprints, but the customer prefers one 6-week sprint. What is the biggest benefit of having three 2-week sprints?

  • A. Less time is required from the consumer.
  • B. The team can check twice and adjust.
  • C. More Story Points are delivered by the team.

Q6) Kevin works as a product owner for a retailer. His massive marketing tool project’s product backlog contains 200 items. What categories should he combine the shorter Stories?

  • A. Epics
  • B. Themes
  • C. User Stories
  • D. Views

Correct Answer: B

Q7) Company X-AppGo is highly interested in utilising the ITIL Framework’s and Agile principles’ advantages. In order to reduce the lead team while providing application changes and improvements to their customer base, they wish to build a disciplined service-based strategy. Which processes would be the best to begin incorporating Agile into the ITIL Framework based on the aforementioned scenario?

  • A. Service Design and Service Transition
  • B. Service Strategy and Service Design
  • C. Service Strategy and Service Operation
  • D. Service Transition and Service Operation

Correct Answer: D

Q8) At the conclusion of each Sprint, a Scrum Team is expected to deliver potentially snippable software. The Team failed to deliver a potentially shippable increment during the previous Sprint. Who is in charge of seeing that this query is posed?

  • A. The Development Team
  • B. The Product Owner
  • C. The Project Manager
  • D. The Scrum Master

Correct Answer: D

Q9)You work as a project manager for a small-to-midsize software business that continues to employ the Waterfall paradigm. A fresh software project is desired by your client. When should you think about using Agile?

  • A. There will be no changes to the product definition.
  • B. The scope lacks detail and is not likely to hold steady.
  • C. It is known what user technology needs to be built.
  • D. There are very few unclear requirements.

Correct Answer: B

Q10) Which data Radiator can the team utilise to track the job the most effectively during the Sprint?

  • A. Gantt chart
  • B. Product Backlog
  • C. Release Burn Up
  • D. Task board

Correct Answer: D

Q11) The following is what a Scrum Team has determined to be Potentially Shippable: Why is it crucial to provide “tested” in the list of items that are potentially shippable?

  • A. No increment is “done” without first testing it for flaws.
  • B. Increments will be distributed after passing these tests.
  • C. Testing reveals the degree of integration between the increments.
  • D. The coherence of the increments must be verified.

Correct Answer: A

Q12) The team is informed by the product owner that the release will be time-driven. What kind of uncertainty buffer should be used in this kind of release?

  • A. Budget buffer
  • B. Feature buffer
  • C. Padding buffer
  • D. Schedule buffer

Correct Answer: D

Q13) Your business needs to respond quickly to client requests for new features or issue reports. The faith of your clients in the timeframe within which you guarantee to have a fix is more significant to them than the odd speedy cure. What aspect of Scrum enables this predictability?

  • A. Agile planning
  • B. The Velocity of the Team
  • C. Working in strict timeboxes

Correct Answer: C

Q14) There is frequently a breakdown in communication and transparency when two businesses merge. What can be done to lessen the possibility of major explosions between locations in EXIN Agile Scrum Master?

  • A. Create a “connection role” inside the team
  • B. Create collaborative, physically-located teams
  • C. Create purposefully positioned teams
  • D. Create purposefully dispersed teams

Correct Answer: A

Q15) The Product Backlog iceberg loses its shape and develops a flat area at the top as things are added to and subtracted from it. What action would be required to stop this effect?

  • A. Making a graph showing how many items are in the product backlog
  • B. Taking care of the product backlog
  • C. Setting the Product Backlog’s Priorities
  • D. Using a backlog for improvements

Correct Answer: B

Q16) Which risk does having a Scrum Master who is also a programmer on the team pose?

  • A. The scrum master lacks the necessary interpersonal skills.
  • B. The Scrum Master cannot avoid participating in critical path tasks.
  • C. The Scrum Master makes an effort to impose process changes.

Correct Answer: C

EXIN Agile Scrum Master Free practice test