Exam MB-335: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Expert FAQ

What is MB-335: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Expert exam?
Candidates for this MB-335 test are senior functional supply chain consultants with experience or who have implemented and tailored Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management features to meet customer demands. They have advanced knowledge of supply chain management activities like production, logistics, master planning, and asset management. Applications for mixed reality will be specified by the applicant.
What are the topics covered in the MB-335 examination?
- Configure products (15–20%)
- Configure production prerequisites (20-25%)
- Implement production methods (15–20%)
- Configure production control (20–25%)
- Describe and implement additional supply chain management features (10–15%)
- Describe and implement additional supply chain management features (10–15%)
How many questions will there be on the MB-335 exam?
The exam contains 40 to 60 questions.
Which testing formats and question types will be used in the exam I’m taking?
Microsoft keeps introducing innovative testing technologies and different question types, on a regular basis. Therefore, Microsoft does not provide for the specific patterns that might appear in the exam. See exam formats and question types to get an insight into the exam pattern.
How much time will I have to complete the exam?
You will have a total of 50 minutes to complete the exam.
How and when will I get my exam results?
Right after successfully completing your exam, you will be notified of your pass or fail status within a few minutes of completing your exam. Also, printed reports providing your exam score and feedback on your performance will also be provided to you. Your score will be forwarded to Microsoft within five business days.
Who should I contact if I have questions concerning beta exam results?
If you have not received any report within two weeks after the final exam got published, then you must contact the exam delivery provider. Contact Certification Support, for any query related to your transcript.
Can I find out whether I answered a specific question correctly or whether how I answered a specific question affected my pass/fail status?
No, you cannot get such a detailed report. Microsoft aims to measure candidates’ skills for a given job role, and not their ability to memorize questions. Microsoft does not share such information to protect the integrity of its certification process.
How are exam scores calculated?
After completing the exam, the earned points are summed up and compared with the cut score to determine your exam status.
What score do I need to pass an exam?
A passing score of 700 on a scale of 1 to 1000, is required to receive your Microsoft Certification.
Can I request a re-evaluation of my score?
If Microsoft encounters an error in the questions given in the exam, then it allows candidates to retake the exam free of charge. We recommend you submit an online request if you have any query related to the technical accuracy of any specific item. After submitting your request, an Item Challenge form will be sent to you.
How can I challenge an exam question?
You can request an evaluation of that particular question via the Exam Item Challenge process. You can submit the challenge within 30 calendar days of taking the exam.