Exam 98-365: Windows Server Administration Fundamentals

Windows Server Administration Fundamental (98-365) Exam is designed for candidates who have familiarity with the concepts and the technologies of Windows Server administration. This exam will help the candidates to earn the MTA: Windows Server Administration Fundamentals certification. However, the 98-365 exam is associated with the MTA. MTA certification is a great way to enter into the technology field and start a career. MTA certifications address a wide spectrum of fundamental technical concepts, assess and validate core technical knowledge, and enhance technical credibility.
Knowledge required for the exam
For the Windows Server Administration Fundamental (98-365) Exam, candidates should have some hands-on experience in various areas that include:
- Windows Server
- Windows-based networking
- Active Directory
- Account management
- System recovery tools and concepts.
Exam 98-365 Interview Questions
Practice and Prepare for the exam with Microsoft 98-365 Interview Questions and ace your interview.

Microsoft 98-365 Exam: Learning Objectives
Microsoft provides learning exam objectives that help the candidates to understand and know about the concepts for better preparation. Moreover, these exam concepts are provided with sections and subsections to make you learn about it in depth. The Microsoft 98-365 exam includes training resources with a learning path to help you during the studying time. However, for the Windows Server Administration Fundamental (98-365) Exam the basic concepts include:
- Learning and understanding about server roles and server installation.
- Getting basic knowledge of active directory and storage.
- Understanding about the process of server maintenance and server performance management.
Exam Format
Windows Server Administration Fundamental (98-365) Exam consists of a 40-60 number of questions. Talking about the 98-365 Windows Server Administration Fundamentals exam questions types, it can be of case study, short answers, multiple-choice, mark review, drag, and drop, etc. However, for completing this exam you will be given time duration of 45 minutes. To pass the exam, the candidates must score a minimum of 700 (on a scale of 900). Microsoft 98-365 exam will cost you $127 USD including the additional taxes. Candidates can give the exam in English, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, and Spanish (Mexico) language.

Scheduling the Exam
The Microsoft 98-365 exam requires good knowledge and understanding of Windows Server, Windows-based networking, Active Directory, account management, and system recovery tools and concepts. For scheduling the 98-36 exam, Microsoft provides two ways to schedule the exam that includes:

Course Structure
The Microsoft exam 98-365 study guide consists of the following topics:

Topic 1: Understanding server installation
1.1 Understanding about device drivers
(Microsoft Documentation: Device Drivers)
- Installation
- Removal
- Disabling
- update/upgrade
- Rollback
- Troubleshooting
- Plug & Play,
- IRQ and interrupts
- driver signing,
- managing through Group Policy
1.2 Understanding services
1.2.1 Which statuses a service can be in startup types, recovery options, delayed startup, Run As settings for a service, stopping or pausing a service, service accounts, dependencies
1.3 Understanding server installation options
- Choosing the correct operating system version options
- Server core vs. Desktop (Microsoft Documentation: Server Core installation option in Windows Server, Install Server with Desktop Experience)
- Experiencing Nano Server installation, interactive installs (Microsoft Documentation: Install Nano Server)
- Automated install using WDS (Microsoft Documentation: Windows Deployment Services)
- VHD/VHDX installation source, perform unattended installs
- Performing upgrades, clean installation, and migrations (Microsoft Documentation: Windows upgrade and migration considerations)
Topic 2: Understanding server roles
2.1 Identifying application servers
- Mail servers
- Database servers
- Collaboration servers (Microsoft Documentation: Collaboration)
- Monitoring servers
- Threat management (Microsoft Documentation: Threat investigation and response)
2.2 Understanding Web services
- IIS (Microsoft Documentation: IIS Modes of Operation)
- WWW, and FTP (Microsoft Documentation: FTP)
- installing from Server Manager
- separate worker processes (Microsoft Documentation: Worker Processes)
- Adding components, sites, ports, SSL, certificates (Microsoft Documentation: Configuring SSL to Secure the Connection to Dynamics NAV Web Client)
2.3 Understanding remote access
- Remote assistance
- remote administration tools and desktop Services (Microsoft Documentation: Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) for Windows, Remote Desktop Services)
- Multipoint services (Microsoft Documentation: Introducing MultiPoint Services)
- Licensing
- RD Gateway (Microsoft Documentation: Remote Desktop Services – Access from anywhere)
- application virtualization
- multiple ports
2.4 Understanding the file and print services
- Local printers (Microsoft Documentation: Printers)
- network printers (Microsoft Documentation: Manage access to network printers across legal entities)
- printer pools
- web printing
- web management (Microsoft Documentation: Configuring a Web Server for Web Deploy Publishing (Web Deploy Handler))
- Driver deployment
- file, folder, and share permissions vs. rights, auditing, print job management (Microsoft Documentation: PrintManagement)
2.5 Understanding server virtualization
- Virtual memory
- virtual networks
- snapshots and saved states
- physical to virtual conversions (Microsoft Documentation: Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter 3.0)
- virtual to physical conversions
- VHD and VHDX formats (Microsoft Documentation: Deploy Windows with a VHDX (Native Boot))
- nested virtualization (Microsoft Documentation: Run Hyper-V in a Virtual Machine with Nested Virtualization)
Topic 3: Understanding Active Directory
3.1 Understanding accounts and groups
- Domain accounts (Microsoft Documentation: Using a Domain User Account as a Service Logon Account)
- local accounts (Microsoft Documentation: Local Accounts)
- user profiles (Microsoft Documentation: About User Profiles)
- computer accounts
- group types
- Default groups
- group scopes
- group nesting (Microsoft Documentation: Nesting a Group in Another Group)
- understanding AGDLP and AGUDLP processes to help implement nesting
3.2 Understanding organizational units and containers
- Purpose of OUs (Microsoft Documentation: Reviewing OU Design Concepts)
- purpose of containers (Microsoft Documentation: Windows and containers)
- Delegation
- default containers (Microsoft Documentation: Default Container)
- uses for different container objects (Microsoft Documentation: Containers: Advanced Features)
- default hidden and visible containers
3.3 Understanding Active Directory infrastructure
- Domain controllers (Microsoft Documentation: Network Domains and Domain Controllers)
- forests, child domains, operation and master roles (Microsoft Documentation: FSMO placement and optimization on Active Directory domain controllers)
- domain vs. workgroup
- trust relationships (Microsoft Documentation: Setting Up the Trust Relationship)
- functional levels
- deprecated functional levels
- namespace, sites, replication, schema, and Passport (Microsoft Documentation: DFS Namespaces overview
3.4 Understanding group policy
- Group policy processing and Policy Management Console (Microsoft Documentation: Processing Group Policy Events, Group Policy Management Console)
- computer policies, User policies, local policies
Topic 4: Understanding storage
4.1 Identifying storage technologies and their typical usage scenarios
- Advantages and disadvantages of different storage topologies (Microsoft Documentation: Storage Technologies Overview)
- local storage and network storage (Microsoft Documentation: Introduction to Web Storage)
- Fibre Channel and iSCSI hardware (Microsoft Documentation: Failover clustering hardware requirements and storage options)
4.2 Understanding RAID redundancy
- RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 10 and combinations
- hardware and software RAID (Microsoft Documentation: Hardware-based RAID Systems (iSCSI) Testing Prerequisites)
4.3 Understanding disk types
- Solid State Drive and Hard Disk Drive types and comparisons (Microsoft Documentation: Hard drives and partitions, disk types)
- ATA basic disk (Microsoft Documentation: Basic and Dynamic Disks)
- dynamic disk (Microsoft Documentation: Change a dynamic disk back to a basic disk)
- mount points and file systems (Microsoft Documentation: Configure volume mount points on a server cluster)
- mounting a virtual hard disk (Microsoft Documentation: Mount-VHD)
- Distributed file systems (Microsoft Documentation: Distributed File System (DFS) Functions)
Topic 5: Understanding server performance management
5.1 Identifying major server hardware components
- Memory, disk, processor and network (Microsoft Documentation: CPU and Disk Action, Windows Processor Requirements)
- 32-bit and 64-bit architecture (Microsoft Documentation: x64 Architecture)
- removable drives (Microsoft Documentation: How to control USB devices and other removable media, Monitor the use of removable storage devices)
- graphic cards
- Cooling, power usage, ports (Microsoft Documentation: Computer System Hardware Classes)
5.2 Understanding performance monitoring
- Methodology, procedures, the effect of network, CPU, memory, and disk (Microsoft Documentation: Create or update methodologies, Memory-optimized virtual machine sizes)
- creating a baseline (Microsoft Documentation: Create security baselines)
- Performance Monitor (Microsoft Documentation: Overview of Windows Performance Monitor, Configure Performance Monitoring)
- Resource Monitor (Microsoft Documentation: Process Monitor v3.60)
- Task Manager, performance counters, Data Collector Sets (Microsoft Documentation: Using Task Manager, Performance Counters, Working with Data Collector Sets)
5.3 Understanding logs and alerts, Event Viewer
- Purpose of performance logs and alerts (Microsoft Documentation: Performance Logs and Alerts)
Topic 6: Understanding server maintenance
6.1 Identifying steps in the startup process
- BIOS, UEFI, TPM, boot sector, bootloader, MBR, boot.ini, POST, Safe Mode (Microsoft Documentation: BIOS Classes, Boot and UEFI, BIOS/MBR-based hard drive partitions, Trusted Platform Module, Overview of Boot Options in Windows)
6.2 Understanding business continuity
- Backup and restore, disaster recovery planning, clustering, AD restore, folder redirection, data redundancy, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) (Microsoft Documentation: Back up and restore environments, Create and customize recovery plans, Windows Clustering, Active Directory Forest Recovery Guide, Folder Redirection with Offline Files)
6.3 Understanding updates
- Software, driver, operating systems, applications, Windows Update, Windows Server Update Service (WSUS) (Microsoft Documentation: driver, Get started with Windows Update, Windows Server Update Services (WSUS))
6.4 Understanding troubleshooting methodology
- Processes, procedures, best practices
- systematic vs. specific approach (Microsoft Documentation: Troubleshooting network performance)
- Performance Monitor (Microsoft Documentation: Overview of Windows Performance Monitor, Configure Performance Monitoring)
- Event Viewer (Microsoft Documentation: Windows Event Log)
- Resource Monitor (Microsoft Documentation: Process Monitor v3.60)
- Information Technology Infrastructure Library (Microsoft Documentation: Service Manager documentation)
- central logging
- event filtering (Microsoft Documentation: Filter events for Event Grid)
- default logs
Exam Policies
Microsoft provides exam policies to support the candidates by providing every detail related to the certification program. However, candidates during the studying for the 98-365 exam should first go through and understand the Microsoft Certification exam policies. Here, the candidates will get information about the exam policies and procedures. This includes the exam rules to be followed during the exam time, and other information about the exams and its testing centers.
MTA Exam Retake Policy
Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) exam retake policy states that if a candidate does not achieve a passing score on an exam the first time then they must wait 24 hours before retaking the exam. However, if a candidate does not achieve a passing score the second time then, they have to wait for seven days before retaking the exam a third time. After a seven-day waiting period is imposed for each subsequent exam retake. But, a candidate may not take a given exam any more than five times per year (12 months). This 12-month period starts from the first attempt.
For More Visit: Windows Server Administration Fundamentals (98-365) Exam FAQs
Microsoft Exam 98-365 Study Guide

Microsoft Learning Platform
Microsoft provides access to candidates to get information about the exam using the learning resources. For the 98-365 exam, these study resources can be accessed from the official exam page. That is to say, you just have to search for the 98-365 exam and the essential information will be provided that will help you in understanding it better.
Microsoft Documentation
The next step that will help the most is Microsoft documentation. Using Microsoft docs you will be able to understand the basic window server concepts and services. As, it includes various modules that will guide you step by step thus, make you understand the things more accurately. Also, Microsoft docs will help you gain knowledge about the Windows server, Windows-based networking, Active Directory, account management, System recovery tools, and concepts.
Instructor Led Training
Microsoft has given an advantage to candidates providing instructor-led training. This Microsoft Windows Server Administration Fundamentals 98-365 Training will help students to gain foundational knowledge on the concepts and the technologies of Windows Server administration. Moreover, the course will help candidates to learn and understand server roles and server installation including basic knowledge of active directory and storage. In addition, they will understand the process of server maintenance and server performance management.
Joining Study Groups
One thing that will be beneficial during the exam preparation time is to join study groups. As these groups will help you to stay connected with the other people who are on the same pathway as yours. Moreover, here you can start any discussion about the issue related to the exam or any query. By doing so, you will get the best possible answer to your query.
Exam Practice Tests
Practice tests are important during the exam preparation as by assessing yourself with these tests you will know about your weak and strong areas. We all know time plays an essential role during the exam. So, by using Microsoft 98-365 practice exam tests you will be able to improve your answering skills that will result in saving a lot of time. Moreover, the best way to start doing practice tests is after completing one full topic as this will work as a revision part for you. So, make sure to find the best practice sources.