Exam 1D0-541: CIW Database Design Specialist FAQ

1. What is the Exam 1D0-541: CIW Database Design Specialist?
The Exam 1D0-541: CIW Database Design Specialist course gives introductory vendor-neutral education for people planning to attempt product-focused database specialization. The course introduces the candidate to DB2, Oracle Database 11g, MS SQL, and MySQL. The candidate will also learn about Structured Query Language (SQL) and database optimization through normalization. The CIW Database Design Specialist course prepares candidates to take the CIW Database Design Specialist exam, which if passed earns the individual the Database Design Specialist certification.
2. Are there any prerequisites for this exam?
- Basic knowledge of the purpose and function of a database.
- Familiarity with an operating system such as Microsoft Windows 7.
3. Who should take this exam?
This exam is for students preparing to enter the workforce and also for the following professionals:
- IT managers/directors
- Application developers
- Web development professionals
- Software programmers
- Enterprise developers
4. How many questions are there in the Exam 1D0-541: CIW Database Design Specialist?
There are 50 questions in this exam.
5. What is the course structure of the Exam 1D0-541: CIW Database Design Specialist exam?
This exam covers the following 10 domains:
- Introduction to Databases
- Overview of Database Design Methodology
- Relational Database Fundamentals
- Normalization
- Structured Query Language
- Database Planning
- Logical Database Design
- Relational Algebra
- Physical Database Design
- Transactions and Database Security
6. What type of questions are covered in this exam?
The exam covers multiple choice questions.
7. What is the time duration for the exam?
You will get 90 minutes to complete the exam.
8. What is the passing score for the exam?
You need to score 70% to pass the exam
9. How to Register for the CIW Internet Business Associate examination ?
To register for the examination follow the following steps:
- Then scroll down to exam registration
- You will be diverted to the Pearson VUE page. Then scroll down to cert-manager ID and click on the Exam registration link
- If you already have an account with Pearson VUE sign in else sign up for a new account. Select the exam Code.
- Follow the given instruction and complete the process.
- You will receive confirmation from the mail after the registration.
10. What is the validity of this certification?
CIW certifications do not expire. Once CIW certified, always CIW certified. However, the CIW skills objectives and certification exams are revised periodically when the industry dictates that updates are needed.
11. Is retake possible for this exam?
CIW allows you to retake the certification exam. A waiting period between retakes of a single certification exam maintains the security of the exam and strengthens the value of the CIW certification. However, if you have already passed the exam you will not be allowed to retake the exam.
12. How do I review my CIW certification history and contact information?
You can review your contact information and certification history at the CIW Candidate Information Center. Further, use that site to generate your electronic certificate, review/confirm your mailing address, publish your transcripts, and download logos. You will need information from your Official CIW Exam Score Report the first time you log in to the CIW Candidate Information Centre.
13. How can I prepare for the Exam 1D0-541: CIW Database Design Specialist?
The candidate has to follow some preparatory step which is mentioned in our tutorial i.e. visiting the official, reading and understanding related books and guides, learning objectives, trying their hands-on practice test, etc.