Create a security rule

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In this we will learn about creating security rules with understanding various other functions of security rules. This includes viewing, changing and deleting the security rules.

However, there’s a limit to how many rules per network security group you can create for each Azure location and subscription. Let’s understand about creating security rule:

  • Firstly, go to the Azure portal to view your network security groups. And, there, search for and select Network security groups.
  • Secondly, select the name of the network security group you want to add a security rule to.
  • Then, in the network security group’s menu bar, choose Inbound security rules or Outbound security rules.
  • Here, several existing rules are listed, including some you may not have added. And, when you create a network security group, several default security rules are created in it.
  • Then, select Add. Select or add values for the following settings, and then select OK:
Image Source: Microsoft
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Viewing all security rules

A network security group contains zero or more rules. T

  • Firstly, go to the Azure portal to view the rules of a network security group. Search for and select Network security groups.
  • Then, select the name of the network security group that you want to view the rules for.
  • Lastly, in the network security group’s menu bar, choose Inbound security rules or Outbound security rules.
Image Source: Microsoft

View details of a security rule

  • Firstly, go to the Azure portal to view the rules of a network security group. Search for and select Network security groups.
  • Then, select the name of the network security group that you want to view the details of a rule for.
  • After that, in the network security group’s menu bar, choose Inbound security rules or Outbound security rules.
  • Lastly, select the rule you want to view details for. For an explanation of all settings, see Security rule settings.
view details
Image Source: Microsoft

Change a security rule

  • Firstly, complete the steps in View details of a security rule.
  • Then, change the settings as needed, and then select Save. For an explanation of all settings, see Security rule settings.
change security rule
Image Source: Microsoft

Delete a security rule

  • Firstly, complete the steps in View details of a security rule.
  • Then, select Delete, and then select Yes.
delete security rule
Image Source: Microsoft
creating security rule AZ-104 online course

Reference: Microsoft Documentation

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