CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner CASP+ Interview Questions

The CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner CASP+ exam validates advanced-level competency in risk management, enterprise security operations and architecture, research and collaboration, and enterprise security integration. Obtaining certifications makes you a more desirable candidate for the job and elevates your status. Since the last decade, the IT industry has grown rapidly and is expected to continue to grow rapidly in the future. In terms of career transitions or skill transitions, IT-related career options remain at the top of the list.
With the rise of cybersecurity threats around the world, corporations are eager to hire individuals with mastery-level information security skills. As a result, there is a greater demand for CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner CASP+ -certified professionals. DELTA Resources, the United States Army, Penn State University, and other organizations rely on CASP skills.
To increase the efficiency and perfection of their work, all companies, whether IT or non-IT, require highly skilled and certified professionals at work. Therefore, while you prepare for the CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner CASP+ Interview it is very important to look at some of the top interview questions that will help you prepare better.
1. What is a three-way handshake? Which authentication scheme makes use of it to verify the identity of originating clients?
The three-way handshake – SYN, SYN/ACT, and ACK – is an important part of the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) suite. SYN is a request from the client to the server for an outgoing connection, and ACK is the server’s acknowledgment back to the client (yes, I can hear you, let’s connect). SYN/ACK is the final connection that allows both the client and the server to communicate.
CHAP is an authentication scheme that uses a three-way handshake to periodically verify the identity of remote clients.
2. What is the distinction between a Black Box and a White Box test?
The term “black box test” refers to the testing of the structure or design of a piece of software by a pen test team that is unfamiliar with the software’s inner workings. In the world of cybersecurity, the terms Black Box testing and external penetration testing methods are often use interchangeably. White Box testing, on the other hand, is one in which the pen test team is familiar with the inner workings of the software and is given as much detail about the environment as possible. It is typically implemented as SAST (Static Application Security Testing) and includes file-heavy code editing through behavioural and signature-based analysis.
3. What is data exfiltration in CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner CASP+ ?
Data exfiltration is the process of removing sensitive information from a location without anyone noticing. Exfiltration is a difficult but not impossible task in a highly secure environment. Malicious insiders who can get in and out without being detected as a threat can help with data exfiltration attempts.
4. What is the distinction between public-key cryptography and symmetric cryptography?
To encrypt data, both types of cryptography are used. There is, however, a distinction between two keys and a single key. Because symmetric key cryptography uses the same key for encryption and decryption, it is simpler to implement. However, before transmitting secure information, the two parties exchanging messages must use the same private key. There are two keys in public-key cryptography: a private key and a public key. Encryption is done using the recipient’s public key, and the person initiating the secure information transmission signs in using their own private key. The benefit of public-key cryptography is that the public key does not have to be kept secure.
5. Could you please explain the Chain of Custody?
The process of validating how any type of evidence has been documented, gather, and kept secure on its way to court is known as a chain of custody. When keeping track of equipment or data that will be used in legal proceedings, keep it in pristine condition. As a result, accurately documenting who has access to what and for how long is critical. Any inaccuracies or errors in the Chain of Custody can cause legal issues for the parties involved and, depending on the circumstances, can result in contempt or a mistrial.
6. What exactly is OCSP?
When a website uses certificates to secure HTTPS connections, the OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) allows clients to send a query to a CA with the serial number of a certificate, and the CA responds with the certificate’s status. The CA can also publish a CRL (certification revocation list), but this information is not use for querying. Instead, it is the response to a CRL request. A registration authority (RA) provides CA registration services but does not verify certificates.
7. What role does SCADA play in HVAC control management?
SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) is a process control software application. It collects data in real-time from remote locations to keep conditions and equipment in check. HVAC (heat, ventilation, and air conditioning) controls are include in SCADA systems and collect and feed data into SCADA software. The system then processes the data and returns results as soon as possible. During hazardous conditions, the SCADA application generates a warning by activating alarms.
8. What exactly is the distinction between risk transference and risk mitigation?
Risk transfer is the shifting of a risk’s load loss to a willing third party via contract, insurance, legislation, or other means. This can be advantageous for a company if the transferred risk is not one of its core competencies. Risk mitigation, on the other hand, refers to the steps taken by an organization to reduce its exposure to risk. Risks cannot be completely eliminated; the risk that remains after steps to manage it have been taken is referred to as residual risk.
9. Why are internal threats more likely to succeed than external threats?
Employees, unlike hackers, have daily access to an organization’s most critical information. Internal threats can be intentional or unintentional, resulting from a disgruntled current or former employee or from a failure to follow established security protocols. These threats are frequently more difficult to prevent and detect, as many of an organization’s external threat mitigation measures are ineffective for parties with easy access.
10. As a CASP professional, if you are to obtain additional information for the security requirements of a contract that your company will bid on, which would you use, an RFP or an RFI?
You’re going to issue an RFI (Request for Information). It is a formal procedure for obtaining additional information on a contract. RFP, on the other hand, is an abbreviation for Request for Proposal and specifies the scope of tasks that must be completed.
11. What is the difference between using a public key and a private key to encrypt and sign content?
A sender or receiver publishes his or her public key. You encrypt content with the public key and sign it with your private key. This is the standard method of communication, which includes encryption and signing.
12. What is the ICMP or pinging port?
The ICMP protocol, which is a layer three protocol, is used by Ping. Ping does not use a port, so if you are asked, you should be aware that this is a trick question.
13. What elements should be included on a login page?
HTTPS must be used whenever sensitive data is transferred. Make sure you answer this question with HTTPS and possibly how you would implement an HTTP to HTTPS conversion.
14. How does an HTTP programme deal with state?
HTTP does not natively handle the state. Cookies are used by HTTP applications to manage an application’s state. Data can also be store in the web server’s session by the developer.
15.What exactly is cross-site scripting (XSS)?
When an attacker injects executable code into JavaScript, this is cross-site scripting. This is done through the use of a database or improperly scrub query string variables.
16. How can you protect yourself against multiple login attempts?
You can implement a lockout policy that locks accounts when a user attempts too many logins.
17. What are the different types of XSS?
There are two types of cross-site scripting attacks: reflected and stored. An attacker can use a stored XSS hack to store malicious code within the database. The database content is served to the user from the database and can be used to gain access to site private data in private pages behind a secure login. The following is reflected, and it results from the hacker sending the user a link that runs JavaScript code directly from the query string within the pages.
18. What are some of the ways the company can protect itself from XSS?
To begin, programmers should guard against JavaScript being added to a query string. Remove JavaScript from any input variables sent via online forms and saved in a database.
19. How can you protect yourself from phishing attempts?
Since phishing is usually done via email, you can block some SMTP servers and senders while also educating users about phishing attempts.
20. What exactly is UTM?
Threat management is now unified. A network security solution that includes URL filtering, malware detection, and content analysis. It combines firewall functionality with these additional safeguards.
21. Explain an IDS (intrusion detection system).
A network- or host-based monitoring system that alerts system administrators to potential intrusions or other unauthorized activity.
22. What exactly is an ACL?
A list of access controls. It is a list that allows users and processes to access system resources.
23. What exactly are MAC, DAC, and RBAC?
There are three types of access control: mandatory access control, discretionary access control, and role-based access control. The operating system is used by MAC to prevent a user from accessing a specific target. DAC restricts object access based on a user’s identity or group membership. RBAC controls access by denying or granting it based on a user’s role.
24. What is the function of a firewall?
It is used to manage network traffic by determining which types of packets are permitted to pass through.
25.What exactly is a three-way handshake?
A three-way handshake is a method for establishing a connection between a host and a client in a TCP/IP network. A three-way handshake is so because it is a three-step method in which the client and server exchange packets. The following are the three steps:
- The client sends a SYN (Synchronize) packet to the server to see if the server is up and running or if any ports are open.
- If the server has open ports, it sends a SYN-ACK packet to the client.
- The client responds by sending an ACK (Acknowledgement) packet back to the server.
26. Explain what exactly is a traceroute?
Traceroute is a program that displays the path of a packet. It lists all of the points (mostly routers) through which the packet passes. This is mostly use when a packet fails to reach its destination. Traceroute is used to determine where the connection stops or breaks in order to pinpoint the point of failure.
27. What’s the distinction between HIDS and NIDS?
Both HIDS (Host IDS) and NIDS (Network IDS) are Intrusion Detection Systems that serve the same purpose: to detect intrusions. The only difference is that the HIDS is configured on a specific host/device. It monitors the traffic of a specific device as well as suspicious system activities.
28. What exactly is a Brute Force Attack?
Brute Force is a method of determining the correct credentials by repeatedly trying all permutations and combinations of possible credentials. Most brute force attacks are automated, with the tool/software automatically attempting to log in with a set of credentials.
29. How frequently should Patch management be performed?
Patch management should begin as soon as the patch is made available. When a patch for Windows is released, it should be applied to all machines within one month. The same is true for network devices; patch them as soon as they are released. Patch management should be done correctly.
30. How would you reset a BIOS configuration that has been password-protected?
Since BIOS is a pre-boot system, it has its own mechanism for storing settings and preferences. A simple way to reset is to remove the CMOS battery, which causes the memory storing the settings to lose power and, as a result, lose its setting.