Commercial Plumbing Inspector (P2) FAQ

What is the Commercial Plumbing Inspector (P2) exam?
The Commercial Plumbing Inspector (P2) exam is provided by the ICC. The Commercial Plumbing Inspector (P2) test assesses a candidate’s ability to verify the design, installation, and inspections of all commercially installed plumbing systems, including fixtures, equipment, appurtenances, and appliances.
How ICC works?
The International Code Council, or ICC, is a non-profit organization that develops building and construction regulations and standards. In addition, ICC offers a certification program for contractors and various types of construction and safety industry specialists, including plan examiners, plumbing and electrical inspectors, and other building safety professionals.
What are the main areas of the ICC (P2) exam?
- General Requirements
- Fixtures
- Water Heaters
- Water Supply and Distribution
- Sanitary Drainage
- Vents
- Traps, Interceptors, Separators, Special Piping, and Storage Systems
- Storm Drainage
- Health Care Plumbing
Is Commercial Plumbing Inspector (P2) an open book exam?
Yes, the ICC exam is an open-book exam.
How to register yourself for the examination?
- Firstly, you must log in to myICC to make an exam purchase. If you already have an account, please contact ICC before creating a new one to ensure all of your information stays in one account.
- Secondly, you are required to pay for your exam first before you schedule if you taking a National Certification, California, or UST/AST exam via CBT or PRONTO. Moreover, you have one year to schedule or reschedule your exam without paying for it again.
- Thirdly, please enter your Legal name only exactly as it appears on the identification you will carry before testing. Entering wrong details will not let you take your test and no fees will be refunded.
- Lastly, you must have your government-issued photo identification ready to show the proctor.
How much time will be given to a candidate to complete the ICC exam?
The candidate will be given 2 hours to successfully complete the exam.
How many questions will be there in Commercial Plumbing Inspector (P2) exam?
There will be 50 questions in the exam.
Which method of testing does ICC use?
The ICC (P2) method will be Computer-Based Testing( CBT ) and Proctored Online Testing.
What is the fee for the ICC (P2) exam?
The ICC examination fee will be $219 USD.
What score do I need to pass?
Generally, an exam requires a score of 70 to pass whereas certification exams require a 75.
When will I get my results?
Results for examinations taken online or at a testing site are available immediately after completion of the examination.
When and where can I test?
- Proctored Remote Online Testing (PRONTO)is available 24/7, 365 days a year, in any secure location such as your home or office.
- Secondly, Computer-based Testing is administered frequently at over 350 sites across the nation and outside the U.S. However, you can locate the testing availability and locations once you purchase the exam. Exams are good for one year from the time of purchase.
How can I prepare for the Commercial Plumbing Inspector (P2) Exam?
The candidate can prepare for the Exam by some steps such as visiting the official site, learning and understanding the objectives, books and guides, practice tests, training programs, etc.