• AWS service to automate software deployments to EC2/ on-premises instance
  • Makes it easier for you to rapidly release new features
  • Helps you avoid downtime during application deployment
  • Handles the complexity of updating applications.

CodeDeploy Deployment Types

CodeDeploy provides two deployment type options:

  • In-place deployment: It iinvolves
    • Stopping application on every instance in deployment group
    • Installing latest application revision
    • Starting the new version
  • Blue/green deployment
    • On EC2/On-Premises
      • instances in a original deployment group are substituted by replacement environment
    • On AWS Lambda
      • Traffic is transferred from current serverless environment to updated Lambda function version.
    • On ECS
      •  Traffic is shifted from original containerized application version in ECS to replacement set

Sample CodeDeploy in-place deployment

  1. build deployable content on local development machine and AppSpec or application specification file.
    1.  AppSpec file defines deployment actions CodeDeploy should execute.
    1. bundle deployable content and AppSpec file (called an application revision or revision) into archive file, and upload to S3 bucket/GitHub repository
  2. Make available details about deployment like S3 bucket/GitHub repository for pulling revision from and to be deployed to EC2 instance. Set of EC2 instances are called deployment group having tagged EC2 instances
  3. After successful upload of new application revision, set it as the target revision for deployment group
  4. CodeDeploy agent pulls the new target revision from S3 bucket/GitHub repository after polling