COBIT as an I&T Framework
An framework is a structure to act as an guide. The term software framework which is widely used, refers to structure or libraries used in software development.
For an organization an I&T framework involves management and governance of the I &T infrastructure. In the past many management and governance frameworks evolved. COBIT 2019 is the latest I & T framework.
The COBIT 2019 groups objectives into 5 domains with one governance domain and four management domains.

The Evaluate, Direct and Monitor (EDM) is a governance domain for strategic decision making by senior management and it’s monitoring
The I&T management domains are
- Align, Plan and Organize (APO) – Strategic approach for enterprise I&T
- Build, Acquire and Implement (BAI) – Acquisition and implementing I&T solutions
- Deliver, Service and Support (DSS) – I&T operational delivery, support and services
- Monitor, Evaluate and Assess (MEA) – I&T performance monitoring
COBIT 2019 is able to address governance (including risk management) and I&T management related issues for an organization.
COBIT 2019 address the I&T governance and management from an organizational view by involving
- senior management
- operation managers
- all stakeholders
COBIT 2019 also includes goals cascade which is refining of higher levels goals into lower or more operational level goals.
Hence, COBIT 2019 is the implemented by organizations across the globe..
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