Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 Advanced Administration (1Y0-312) FAQ

What do you understand by Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 Advanced Administration (1Y0-312)?
This 1Y0-312 exam study guide’s goal is to arm applicants with the information they need to ace the 1Y0 -312 exam, including study materials and strategies for deciphering the test objectives. Candidates will be better equipped to anticipate the types of questions that may be on the exam by doing this.
How many questions are there in the examination?
There are total 71 questions in the examination.
What is the cut-off marks for the 1Y0-312 examination?
The cutoff mark for this test is 64%.
What is the Product Recommendation Experience?
In order to pass the exam, we advise candidates to have at least six months of experience with the products, technologies, and relevant subjects listed below:
- Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 Build 1903
- App Layering Build 1903
- StoreFront Build 1903
- Workspace Environment Management Build 1903
- Citrix Gateway
- Citrix ADC
- Citrix Federated Authentication Service Build 1903
- Machine Creation Services
- User Profile Management
What are the Recommended Training?
Citrix Education urges students to have hands-on experience with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 Advanced Administration before taking this test. The easiest method to do this is to join in a recognised Citrix training course.
How to register for the examination?
Worldwide Pearson VUE testing facilities offer this exam.
What is exam retake policy?
Candidates must wait 24 hours after their initial appointment time before enrolling to retake an exam. After their second attempt and any subsequent tries, the candidate must wait 14 calendar days before retaking the exam.
What are the topics covered in the examination?
- Architecture Overview
- Manage a Virtual Apps and Desktops Environment with Multiple Locations
- Implement Backups and Disaster Recovery
- Implement Advanced Authentication Methods
- Secure Machines Running the Virtual Delivery Agent
- Advanced Troubleshooting
- App Layering and Creating the Layers
- Deploy a Layered Image using Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops
- Explore Layer Priority and Maintain an App Layering Environment
- Workspace Environment Management (WEM) Administration
- Use WEM to Centralize Environment Management, Optimize Performance and Secure Environments
- Migrate and Upgrade WEM
What type of questions appear in the examination?
On the test, there are only multiple-choice questions. The results of some exam questions won’t be assessed, thus your final score won’t be affected by them.