Certified Quality Engineer CQE-ASQ Interview Questions

The Certified Quality Engineer (CQE-ASQ) is a specialist who knows how to evaluate and control product and service quality. This body of knowledge and applied technologies includes the development and operation of quality control systems, the application and analysis of testing and inspection procedures, the ability to diagnose and correct improper quality control practises using metrology and statistical methods, an understanding of human factors and motivation, familiarity with quality cost concepts and techniques, and the knowledge and ability to develop and administer manpower.
1.) How do you distinguish between Quality Assurance, Quality Control, and Testing?
Ans.) Quality Assurance is the process of planning and specifying how a team and organization will monitor and implement quality(test) processes. This technique specifies and establishes project quality criteria.
Quality Control is the process of identifying flaws in software and making recommendations to improve its quality. Quality Control procedures are usually established by quality assurance. It is the testing team’s principal role to implement quality control.
Testing is the process of identifying flaws or faults. It verifies that the software developed by the development team fulfills the user’s requirements as well as the organization’s standards.
The testing teams serve as quality gatekeepers, with the major focus being on detecting defects.
2.) What is the difference between a Test Plan and a Test Strategy?
Ans.) A Test Strategy is a higher-level document written mostly by the Project Manager that displays the overall testing approach for the entire project, whereas a Test Plan depicts how testing should be performed for a specific application inside a project.
3.) Could you describe the Software Testing Life Cycle to me?
Ans.) A software testing life cycle is a set of steps that must be completed in a specific order in order to ensure that quality objectives are met.
4.) What is the best way to write a decent test case?
Ans.) The format of a Test Case is as follows:
- Test case ID
- Test case description
- Severity
- Priority
- Environment
- Build version
- Steps to execute
- Expected results
- Actual results
5.) Do you believe QAs can help with production difficulties as well?
Ans.) Without a doubt!! Participating in the resolution of production issues would be a good learning curve for QA. Frequently, production difficulties can be remedied by cleaning logs, making registry changes, or restarting services.
Environmental concerns like this might be easily resolved by the QA team.
In addition, if QA has insight into resolving production issues, they may incorporate them in the test cases, so contributing to quality improvement and attempting to reduce production errors.