Certified Network Defender FAQ (CND)
While deciding to appear for CND examination there are few doubts and questions that arise in our mind. To help you solve those problems, below are a few frequently asked questions being answered.
Who all can give CND Examination ?
- Network Administrators
- Network Security Administrators and Engineer
- Security Analyst
- Network Defense Technicians
- CND Analyst
- Security Operator
- Anyone who involves in network operations
What are the eligibility criteria for self-study students?
It is mandatory for you to record two years of information security-related work experience and
get the same endorsed by your employer.
How many times can I attempt the CND examination in case I failed in the first attempt?
If a candidate is not able to pass the exam on the first attempt, they can immediately apply for the second attempt. However, after failing the second attempt there is a waiting period of 14 days. there is a waiting period of 14 days after every failed attempt. Any candidate can only retake the examination five times in a year.
Candidates who pass the exam are not allowed to attempt the same version of the exam
for the second time.
What are the pre-requisites for taking a CND exam?
The candidate is required to pass exam 312-38 to achieve Certified Network Defender (CND) certification.
When will I get my certificate once I pass the certification examination?
Upon successfully passing the exam you will receive your digital ANSI accredited CND certificate
within 7 working days.
How many questions are there in the CND exam and what is the time duration?
The CND examination consists of 100 questions. The exam is of 4-hour duration.
Can I review my answers?
You can mark your questions and review your answers before you end the test.
What is the cost of the examination ?
The cost of CND examination is $450 USD.
Should I attend training to attempt the exam?
EC-Council recommends, but not mandatory, that CND aspirants attend formal classroom training
to reap the maximum benefit of the course and have a greater chance of clearing the examinations.
Can I extend the usage of my CND exam voucher ?
The exam vouchers are valid for a period of one year from the date of purchase. A candidate may opt to extend his/her EC-Council exam vouchers for an additional 3 months for $35 if the voucher is valid (not used and not expired). Vouchers can only be extended once.
For more such policies refer the official policies page of the Certified Network Defender examination.