Certified Kubernetes Administrator FAQ

What is the Linux Foundation Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam?
The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) program by the Linux Foundation provides assurance that CKAs have the skills, abilities, knowledge, and competency to fulfill the duties of Kubernetes administrators.
What are the Responsibilities of an Administrator?
A Certified Kubernetes Administrator can set up and maintain production-grade Kubernetes clusters, as well as do basic installation. They’ll understand important concepts such Kubernetes networking, security, storage, troubleshooting, maintenance, logging and monitoring, application lifecycle, API object primitives, and determining fundamental end-user use-cases.
Is there any prerequisite for the exam?
There aren’t any mandatory prerequisites for the CKA exam.
What is the target audience for this exam?
The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification is designed for Kubernetes administrators, cloud administrators, and other IT professionals who manage Kubernetes instances.
How many questions will be there in the CKA exam?
260 questions will be there.
What time will be given to complete the CKA exam?
The CKA exam is 120-minute long.
How long is my certification valid for?
CKA and CKAD Certifications are valid for 3 years.
What are the domains of the Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam?
The CKA exam is subdivided into the following major topics:
- Storage 10%
- Troubleshooting 30%
- Workloads & Scheduling 15%
- Cluster Architecture, Installation & Configuration 25%
- Services & Networking 20%
Does TestprepTraining provide practice set questions for the CKA exam?
TestprepTraining provides unique sets of questions that will help you check your skills and knowledge in performing data analysis on Excel. These practice questions will help you increase your knowledge for better preparation for the exam.
Is there any assistance from Testprep Training in terms of exam preparation?
Yes, Testprep Training offers email support for any certification-related query while you are preparing for the exam using our practice exams. Experts will handle your query in due course.
How can I prepare for the Linux exam?
The candidate has to follow some preparatory step in our tutorial i.e. visiting the official, reading and understanding related books and guides, learning objectives, trying their hands-on practice test, etc.