Certified in Logistics, Transportation, and Distribution (CLTD) Sample Questions

The Certified in Logistics, Transportation, and Distribution (CLTD) accreditation gives you the data you want to meet the present supply chain logistics challenges. Made by APICS with a group of educated authorities, the CLTD assignment covers a complete collection of information that sets the worldwide norm for best practices in operations, transportation, and distribution.
1.) Which among the following shipment modes is the most inclined to packaging and product harm?
A. Air
B. Truck
C. Water
D. Rail
Right Answer: C
2.) While bringing in goods like fruits into the United States (U.S.), which government organization is answerable for shielding farming from destructive pests and illnesses?
A. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
B. Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)
C. Farm Service Agency (FSA)
D. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
Right Answer: D
3.) Under what conditions should management for the most part consider using qualitative forecasting methods?
A. At the point when real-time data flow is accessible
B. At the point when historic data is both clear and generally steady
C. While creating strategic-level forecasts
D. At the point when demand is subject to a bill of material (BOM) estimations
Right Answer: B
4.) A carrier’s casts are driven by gear development instead of shipment weight. Which of the accompanying rates could be generally proper for the transporter to use in charging its clients?
A. Incentive rates
B. Any-quantity rates
C. Freight all kind (FAK) rates
D. Per-vehicle and per-load rates
Right Answer: C
5.) A client is hoping to buy an item from an organization. Which of the accompanying results of outbound requests the board could the client think about essential?
A. Product availability
B. Postsale logistics support
C. Logistics operations responsiveness
D. Order cycle time
Right Answer: C
6.) From a well-being and security viewpoint, which of the accompanying parameters of boundaries should be considered while thinking about manual material taking care of?
A. Task, working climate, equipment, and individual limit
B. Task, burden, layout, and equipment
C. Layout, load, working climate, and individual limit
D. Task, load, working climate, and individual limit
Right Answer: D
7.) Which of the accompanying classifications is a shortcoming of the rail frameworks?
A. Safety records
B. Weather effects
C. Inflexible infrastructures
D. Routes from city centers
Right Answer: D
8.) Which of the accompanying assertions addresses the essential capability of stock?
A. Make items accessible while limiting absolute conveying cost
B. Acknowledge economies of scale while limiting absolute conveying cost
C. Diminish requesting cost while limiting absolute conveying cost
D. Support against conveyance time while limiting complete conveying cost
Right Answer: D
9.) Which of the accompanying elements could be considered of key significance to a company’s coordinated operations capability?
A. A firm works in a competitive oligopoly
B. Production total cost
C. Production lead time
D. Order cycle time
Right Answer: A
10.) Which of the accompanying lean devices could a stockroom group use to report, break down, and work on the progression of data and materials to clients?
A. Lean six sigma
B. Kaizen
C. Value stream planning
D. Five S philosophy
Right Answer: C
11.) Climate-controlled distribution centers are ordinarily utilized:
A. to guarantee administrators can work in the best circumstances.
B. for capacity of food things like pasta and sugar.
C. for capacity of natural substance utilized in avionic business.
D. for capacity of specific rural and clinical items.
Right Answer: B
12.) A task supervisor is worried that the order-to-cash cycle for their biggest client is excessively lengthy. The supervisor is alluding to the time that slips by from when the organization gets a request from the client until the:
A. client processes payment.
B. warehouse is advised to send the goods.
C. client gets that order in inventory.
D. organization gets payment.
Right Answer: C
13.) Consignment inventory requires that manufacturers:
A. convey their items to the purchaser and payment from customers depends on supply.
B. stock their items on retail locations racks and payment from purchasers depends on conjecture.
C. convey their items to the purchaser and sit tight for payment until customers expect to top off stock level.
D. stock their items on retail locations retires and hang tight for payment until shoppers buy the item.
Right Answer: D
14.) A pharmaceutical organization makes drugs that control the spread of the flu infection after flare-ups happen. Organization to episode regions requires a transportation mode that is quick and gives house to house network.
Which of the accompanying methods of transportation should the organization pick?
A. Air
B. Truck
C. Drone
D. Intermodal
Right Answer: B
15.) Which among the following inventory ordering strategies could an organization’s corporate distribution center use on the off chance that it is keen on gathering both the amount and timing necessities of interest from its territorial stockrooms?
A. Periodic review
B. Fixed request amount/variable cycle
C. Distribution requirements planning (DRP)
D. Kanban
Right Answer: D
16.) An organization setting up a warehouse needs to keep an earliest in, earliest out (FIFO) stock pivot. Which of the accompanying stockpiling frameworks would it be advisable for them to use?
A. Pallet racking
B. Block stacking
C. Flow racking
D. Push-back racking
Right Answer: A
17.) A firm offers its clients more limited request process durations and expanded item assortment. For the most part, this activity could followingly affect absolute coordinated operations costs.
A. Increments all out logistics costs
B. Reduces the total logistics costs
C. No effects on total logistics costs
D. Influences administration levels, as opposed to costs
Right Answer: C
18.) An outsider coordinated factors (3PL) supplier is looking to showcase its worth adding warehousing administrations to global transporters. These administrations allude to exercises, for example,
A. choosing the best area in the stockroom for capacity and recovery.
B. absolute warehousing cost minimization on gear, upkeep, and work.
C. customization administrations like bundling, marking, kitting, and setting up shows.
D. working on by and large quality estimated by specially appointed measurements as indicated by global principles.
Right Answer: B
19.) While deciding the ideal coordinated factors terminal area, one of the essential objectives is to limit:
A. peddle time
B. stem miles
C. the size of customer shipments
D. the number of pick-up locations
Right Answer: D
20.) A certificate of origin is used to determine what in addition to declaring the origin of goods.
A. applied tariff
B. cost of transportation
C. standard cost
D. export declaration
Right Answer: D