Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer (PCEP-30-02) FAQ
What is a Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer (PCEP-30-02)?
PCEP-30-02 is an expert certificate that evaluates a candidate’s capacity to carry out coding activities connected to the principles of Python programming. A test applicant should be able to show that they have a sufficient understanding of the fundamentals of computer programming, the syntax and semantics of Python, and the ability to use the Python Standard Library to solve typical implementation problems.
What are the topics covered in the examination?
- Module 1 – Understanding Computer Programming and Python Fundamentals (18%)
- Domain 2: Understand Control Flow – Conditional Blocks and Loops (29%)
- Domain 3: Understand Data Collections – Tuples, Dictionaries, Lists, and Strings (25%)
- Domain 4: Understand Functions and Exceptions (28%)
What is the total exam duration?
You are given 40 minutes to complete the examination.
What is the exam retake policy?
Exams can only be retaken once seven days have passed since your last try (waiting period).
- Wait seven days after purchasing a voucher with a free retake option, log into your Test Candidate account, and select the Get Free Retake button that will turn on next to the status information for your exam session. Your account will be automatically given your exam voucher, which will thereafter be accessible in the Certify area.
- If you bought a single-shot voucher and failed the exam, you must buy another coupon to retake it. After seven days have passed since your last try, you can start a new exam session.
What is the exam format?
Single- and multiple-select questions, drag & drop, gap fill, sort, code fill, code insertion.
What is the minimum passing percentage in the examination?
70% and above
How much is the cost of the examination?
The PCEP-30-02 examination will cost you USD 59 (Exam: Single-Shot); USD 76.70 (Exam: with one retake).
In how many languages I can take the examination?
The examination is available in English and Spanish langauge only.