CCNP Enterprise (300-415 ENSDWI) FAQ

Some of the top FAQs related to Cisco 300-415 ENSDWI exam are answered below:
What is Cisco 300-415 ENSDWI exam?
This exam will validate a candidate’s knowledge of Cisco’s SD-WAN solution including SD-WAN architecture, controller deployment, edge router deployment, policies, security, quality or service, multicast and management and operations.
What is the cost and time duration for the Cisco 300-415 exam?
The exam will cost you $300 USD, and you will get 90 minutes to complete the exam.
In how many languages we can give the Cisco 300-415 exam
You can give the exam in English and Japanese language.
Where we can register for the exam?
You can register for the exam at Pearson VUE.
Is there any specific knowledge requirement for the Cisco 300-415 ENSDWI exam?
For this you should have the following knowledge and skills: • Completion of the Cisco SD-WAN Operation and Deployment (ENSDW) course or equivalent experience • Knowledge of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) concepts as applied to large-scale live network deployments • Strong understanding of enterprise wide area network design • Strong understanding of routing protocol operation, including both interior and exterior routing protocol operation • Familiarity with Transport Layer Security (TLS) and IP Security (IPSec)
Who are the intended audience for the exam?
The course is appropriate for:
- System installers
- System integrator
- System administrators
- Network administrators
- Solutions designers
With which certifications this exam is linked?
The 300-415 ENSDWI is associated with the CCNP Enterprise and Cisco Certified Specialist – Enterprise SD-WAN Implementation certifications.
What is the course outline of the 300-415 ENSDWI exam?
The important topics in the exam include:
- Architecture (20%)
- Controller Deployment (15%)
- Router Deployment (20%)
- Policies (20%)
- Security and Quality of Service (15%)
- Management and Operations (10%)
What is the exam retake policy for 300-415 ENSDWI exam?
Candidates who fail an Associate, Professional, or Specialist exam must wait a period of five calendar days, beginning the day after the failed attempt, before they may retest for the same exam. Once passed, a candidate must wait a minimum of 180 days before taking the same exam with an identical exam number.
Is there any validity for Cisco 300-415 ENSDWI exam certification?
In Cisco the associate and professional level exams are valid for 3 years and the specialist exam are valid for 2 years.
Is there any specific scoring format for Cisco 300-415 ENSDWI exam?
Passing scores are set by using statistical analysis and are subject to change. Candidates receive a score report along with a score breakout by exam section and the passing score for the given exam. Cisco does not publish exam passing scores because exam questions and passing scores are subject to change without notice.
How can we schedule the Cisco 300-415 ENSDWI exam?
- Log into your account at Pearson VUE.
- Select Proctored Exams and enter the exam number, 300-415.
- Follow the prompts to register.
What do you mean by technology core exam?
A technology core exam is one of the two exams required for CCNP, CCIE, and Cisco Certified DevNet Professional certifications. For CCNP and CCIE, there are five technology core exams available, focused on Enterprise, Security, Service Provider, Collaboration and Data Center.
What do you mean by a concentration exam?
A concentration exam is one of the two exams required for professional-level certification (CCNP). Concentration exams take a deeper dive into a relevant and related technology to the core, allowing the candidate to choose a topic that is either of interest or related to his or her chosen technology area of focus. For CCNP, there are concentration exams for all five technology tracks, Enterprise, Security, Service Provider, Collaboration, and Data Center. There are also multiple concentration exams available for Cisco Certified DevNet Professional.