CCC Internet of Things Foundation Interview Questions
The CCC Internet of Things Foundation certification is a globally recognized seal of approval in the IoT industry and certifies individuals to be best-in-class IoT experts. So if you want an opportunity to work on IoT projects globally, you must pass the interview phase. For that, you must be equipped with knowledge of the basic concepts, terminology, and key components of IoT. Further, you ought to have a general understanding of the business perspectives of IoT including the advantages of early adoption and monetization models, and several challenges faced by organizations making the move to IoT. Moreover, you must have a thorough understanding of future insights and forecasts on IoT, as well as its status in a connected world.
You can go through our CCC Internet of Things Foundation online tutorial to revise your concepts and learn the various preparatory resources available for strengthening your expertise, along with numerous Free Practice Tests as well!
Every interview is different. The questions you are asked will depend on the type of job you’re interviewing for, the employer’s needs, and your skills and experience as they relate to the role. While there is no way to prepare for every possible question, there are several that stand out as popular interview questions. So here is a list of top CCC Internet of Things Foundation Interview Questions. Let’s get started right away!
1. What are IoT and its types?
- Consumer IoT – Primarily for everyday use. Eg: home appliances, voice assistance, and light fixtures.
- Commercial IoT – Primarily used in the healthcare and transport industries. Eg: smart pacemakers and monitoring systems
2. What is the difference between M2M and IoT?
The main difference between M2M and IoT is that M2M connects two or more devices to the Internet for data sharing and analytics, whereas IoT connects any device to the Internet for better performance.
3. What are the Four Stages of IoT Architecture?
- Use of Sensors and Actuators
- The Internet Gateway Use of Layers & Data Acquisition
- Edge Information Technology
- Use of Cloud Analytics and Data Centers.
4. Could you explain a cyber-physical system in IoT?
Cyber-Physical Systems are a new type of computer that integrates computing elements with the physical components and processes. These computers include sensors that monitor cyber and physical indicators and actuators that modify the cyber and physical environment.
5. What are the components of cyber-physical systems?
Among the elements that make up cyber-physical systems (CPS) are theoretical models and engineering concepts from different fields, including:
- Cybernetics
- embedded systems
- distributed control
sensor networks - control theory
- systems engineering
6. What is the key characteristic of cyber-physical systems?
CPSs are characterized by a cross-cutting integration of technologies, industrial domains, and the life cycle. The integration of these elements is achieved through a highly automated process that is characterized by lifelong learning over time.
7. Could you differentiate between IoT and IoM?
Industry 4.0 is a term used to describe the fourth industrial revolution, incorporating IoT, or the Internet of Things, and the Industrial Internet of Things (IoM), or the Internet of Manufacturing. These technologies are transforming manufacturing by creating digital factories that increase automation and traceability.
8. Are there any similarities between IoT and M2M?
While the two technologies share common aspects, they are not the same. One of the key distinctions is that Machine-to-Machine (M2M) technology enables remote access to machine data while Internet of Things (IoT) technology both exchanges information among machines and enables remote access to that data.
9. Could you elaborate on the different characteristics of M2M?
One of M2M communication’s most important characteristics is that it uses little energy, which is why systems are more efficient when exchanging data. The network operator offers service packages, often including monitoring functions, so that users can keep track of important events.
10. How would you define IoE?
An extension of the Internet of Things (IoT), the Internet of Everything (IoE) describes a more complex system that takes into account not only machine-to-machine communication (M2M) but also human interaction.
11. What are the application areas of IoT?
- Smart Homes.
- Smart City
- Self-driven Cars
- IoT Retail Shops
- Farming
- Wearables
- Smart Grids
- Industrial Internet.
12. Can you tell me the key drivers for the growth of the internet of things across industries?
- Artificial intelligence.
- Advanced analytics.
- Augmented and virtual reality.
- Next-gen cyber security.
- Big data.
- Cloud computing.
- Blockchain, and a lot more.
13. What are some of the business challenges with IoT?
- Working with Stakeholders.
- Managing Remote Devices
- Interoperability of Devices
- Data integration
- Handling Huge Data Volumes
- System Flexibility
- Data Security.
14. What are the economic impacts of the increased application of IoT?
Compared to traditional methods, IoT is significantly more productive: it increases GDP by 0.2% and is still growing. The manufacturing sector enjoys the majority of these benefits, making it the sector that has the greatest opportunity for utilizing the Internet of Things.
15. How would you explain the term IoT monetization?
A business model for monetizing data extracted from IoT products involves marketing the knowledge gained from the data to third parties. This can even go as far as offering the IoT product to as large a mass as possible.
16. What are the three building blocks for IoT architecture?
- The Things with Networked Sensors and Actuators
- Raw Information and Processed Data Stores
- Analytical and Computing
17. What are the 4 layers of IoT architecture?
- Sensing Layer
- Network Layer
- Data processing Layer
- Application Layer
18. Could you tell me the types of IoT architecture?
There are ideally only three major types namely:
- Application-specific
- Open platform
- Network as a Service (NaaS)
19. Which are the protocols that work in the IoT network layer?
- RPL Protocol
- CORPL Protocol
- CARP Protocol
- 6LoWPAN.
20. What are the main social impacts of the Internet of Things (IoT )?
The IoT will have a significant positive impact on citizens, businesses, and governments. For example, it can help governments reduce healthcare costs and improve quality of life, reduce carbon footprints, increase access to education in remote underserved communities, and improve transportation safety.
21. Can you tell me the one most important benefit SMACT technology is?
Modern enterprises are facing a digital revolution thanks to SMACT, which stands for Social Media, Mobile, Advanced Analytics, Cloud, and Internet of Things (IoT).
22. How is big data analytics used in IoT?
When applied to IoT, big data analytics can provide different types of insights, including:
- descriptive analytics
- diagnostic analytics
- predictive analytics
- prescriptive analytics
23. Can you highlight the main purpose of WoT in the IoT?
The World Wide Web Consortium’s Web of Things (WoT) is intended to enable interoperability across IoT Platforms and application domains. Its goal is to create a flexible, scalable framework for developing and deploying applications on top of the IoT; it complements existing IoT standards and solutions.
24. Could you explain to me what causes IoT attacks?
If IoT devices connect to one another using insecure protocols and rely on insecure software, then the entire system can be vulnerable to attacks. A spoofing attack could send false information to an IoT device, or a DoS attack could prevent a device from receiving accurate data from its network.
25. What according to you are the largest security challenges in IoT?
The lack of encryption on regular transmissions is one of the biggest security issues with IoT devices. This gives hackers a direct line into the network, which means they can capture passwords and other sensitive data sent to and from the device.
26. What as per your knowledge is next after IoT?
Experts agree that the digital twin is the natural successor to the Internet of Things. Today, almost all physical objects are now connected digitally either directly or indirectly. The idea behind this technological innovation is to replicate the physical world in a digital form, completely.
27. What are the disadvantages of IoT in business?
- Security and privacy
- Technical complexity
- Connectivity and power dependence
- Integration
- Higher costs (time and money)
28. What are the four pillars of IoT?
- Device
- Data
- Analytics
- connectivity
29. How is IoT expected to change our experiences in the near future?
The Internet of Things (IoT) offers consumers and businesses convenience, efficiency, and new business models. McKinsey estimates that the impact could be as large as $11 trillion by 2025, which is equivalent to 11% of the world economy.
30. Could you elaborate on the role of Cloud Computing in IoT
When cloud computing is combined with the Internet of Things, this powerful combination can transfer large amounts of data generated by the IoT across the Internet. This will enable us to have easy access when we need it.