California Residential Building Inspector (J1): Exam FAQs

Define California Residential Building Inspector (J1) Exam?
The California Residential Building Inspector (J1) exam is for professionals with abilities to perform inspections of structures for managing compliance with the various Building Codes and Standards adopted by the jurisdiction. Moreover, the Inspector should also have skills and knowledge to inspect one-and-two family dwellings, townhomes not more than three stories in height, and accessory structures.
How many questions will be there on California Residential Building Inspector (J1) Exam?
California Residential Building Inspector (J1) is an open book examination with the code year 2019 that consists of 50 multiple‐choice questions.
What is the time limit to complete the California Residential Building Inspector (J1) Exam?
The time duration to complete the California Residential Building Inspector (J1) exam is 2 hours.
What is the cost of California Residential Building Inspector (J1) Exam?
This exam comes under the state-level certification and this examination will cost you $219.
What is the exam format for giving California Residential Building Inspector (J1) exam?
- Firstly, Pearson VUE provides computer-based Testing.
- Secondly, proctored online testing that is PRONTO.
How to register for the exam?
For registration,
- Firstly, log in to myICC to make an exam purchase. However, if you already have an account, please contact ICC before creating a new one so all of your information stays under one account.
- Secondly, you will be required to pay for your exam first before scheduling if you are taking a National Certification, California, or UST/AST exam via CBT or PRONTO.
- Thirdly, enter your first and last LEGAL NAME exactly as it appears on the identification you will present before testing.
What are the things to verify prior to purchasing the exam?
- Firstly, the exam title should match your desired exam.
- Secondly, check the code year and the testing method.
- Thirdly, the name on the account is necessary to match the government-issued ID of the exam.
What is Code of Ethics?
ICC ensures the protection of the health, safety, and welfare of the public by creating safe buildings and communities. Every individual participating in an ICC activity shall:
- Firstly, support the mission of the ICC for providing the highest quality codes, standards, products, and services.
- Secondly, act in an ethical manner, comply with the ethical rules and regulations related to the profession.
- Thirdly, demonstrate integrity, honesty, and fairness while participating in ICC activities.
- Lastly, for ICC-certified individuals, maintaining professional competence in all areas of employment responsibility.
How to renew certification online?
If a candidate renews online, then certifications are renewal starts immediately. Moreover, they will find a new certification expiration date on myICC account immediately after the online renewal application is processed. For Renewing Online:
- Firstly, log in to myICC account. Then, on myICC dashboard, click “My CEUs.” From there certification screen will appear. Here, you can view your current total Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and certificates.
- Secondly, when you are ready to renew, click “Renew Certificates.” And select the number of certificates you want to renew.
- Thirdly, click on the “Proceed to Renew” tab. Then, confirm your renewal information. This will also include the number of CEUs you plan to use to renew and the fee. After that, click “Purchase.
- Lastly, you will see the Express Checkout screen for entering your billing address and payment method. After completing, click “Place Order Now.”
Can the exam Cancelled?
The Code Council reserves the right for revoking or withholding any examination scores if, in its only opinion, there is adequate reason to question their validity. The reasons are:
- Firstly, giving or receiving assistance with answers during testing.
- Secondly, using unauthorized materials during the exam.
- Thirdly, not following the rules presented by the proctor(s).
- Lastly, attempting to, or removing examination materials or questions from the testing center.
What is the course outline for California Residential Building Inspector (J1) Exam?
For California Residential Building Inspector (J1) exam the objectives include:
- Firstly, Code Administration
- Secondly, Building Planning
- Thirdly, Footings and Foundations
- Then, Floor Construction
- After that, Wall Construction and Coverings
- Roof/Ceiling Construction
- Lastly, Public Safety and Special Construction
What happens if I am late for my exam?
Arrive at the exam site at least 30 minutes before the examination is scheduled to begin. Remember, it is your responsibility to already be familiar with the regulations governing Code Council examinations. However, if you arrive more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, you may be refused admission, and exam fees will be forfeited.
What type of question format will be used in the exam?
Test questions are in four-option, multiple-choice format, with one answer on each question, scored as correct.
Are the exams open-book?
Most exams are open book. Examination information, including whether your exam is open- or closed-book, can be found in the applicable exam information by searching for your exam in the exam catalog. However, if you are taking a Contractor/Trades exam, examination information will be found in the applicable bulletin found in the exam catalog.
How often can I test?
If you’re taking a Certification exam:
- You will have six exam attempts within a six-month period.
- You are responsible for paying the exam fee at every attempt.
- Once you have attempted an exam six times, you must wait six months from the first attempt to register again.
When and where can I test?
Proctored Remote Online Testing (PRONTO) is available 24/7, 365 days a year, in any secure location such as your home or office.
Computer-based Testing is administered frequently at over 350 sites across the nation and outside the U.S. You can locate the testing availability and locations once you purchase the exam. Exams are good for one year from the time of purchase.
When will I get my results?
Results for examinations taken online or at a testing site are available immediately after completion of the examination.
What score do I need to pass?
Generally speaking, a contractor/trade exam requires a score of 70 to pass whereas certification exams require a 75. We strongly recommend you read below for more detailed information on passing scores:
Certification Exam Scores
- A passing score is the score set by the ICC and/or/with the Exam Development Committee (EDC) as the minimum score required to pass the exam. This score is technically known as a scale score and is set as 75 for the National Certification exams.
For all exams, if you achieve a passing score, you will receive a notification with the word “PASS.”
What is a scaled score?
A scaled score transforms a raw test score (the number of test questions answered correctly) into other measurement units, called a scale score. However, please know that a scale score is not the number of questions answered correctly, nor the percentage of questions answered correctly.
For More: Check ICC Exam Administrative Rules and Procedures