Building Codes And Standards (BC) FAQs

Get all your doubts with top class Building Codes and Standards (BC) FAQ
What is Building Codes and Standards (BC) exam?
The Building Codes and Standards (BC) exam offered by International Code Council (ICC), is one of three exams that is required by the aspirants who aspire to become a Certified Building Official (CBO). This examination is intended for those with knowledge and abilities for development, application, administration and enforcement of codes adopted by the jurisdiction. Further, one should have the ability to conduct inspections and understanding of laws and regulations to manage their department.
What is the Building Codes and Standards (BC) exam format?
- Firstly, Computer-based Testing (CBT).
- Secondly, Proctored Remote Online Testing Option (PRONTO).
How many questions will be asked in Building Codes and Standards (BC) exam?
Building Codes and Standards (BC) exam consists of 80 multiple-choice questions.
What is the time duration to complete the Building Codes and standards (BC) exam?
The time duration allotted to complete the examination is 2 hours.
How to register yourself for the examination?
- Firstly, you must log in to myICC to make an exam purchase. If you already have an account, please contact ICC before creating a new one to ensure all of your information stays in one account.
- Secondly, you are required to pay for your exam first before you schedule if you taking a National Certification, California, or UST/AST exam via CBT or PRONTO. Moreover, you have one year to schedule or reschedule your exam without paying for it again.
- Thirdly, please enter your Legal name only exactly as it appears on the identification you will carry before testing. Entering wrong details will not let you take your test and no fees will be refunded.
- Lastly, you must have your government-issued photo identification ready to show the proctor.
Can the exam get cancelled?
The Code Council reserves the right to revoke or withhold any examination scores if, in its judgement, there is adequate reason to question their validity. The reasons are:
- Firstly, Giving or receiving assistance with answers during testing.
- Secondly, Using unauthorized materials during testing.
- Thirdly, violating the rules presented by the proctor(s).
- Lastly, attempting to, or removing examination materials or questions from the testing center.
In case of any of the above mentioned irregularities in the examination, involved candidates will not receive their scores unless approved by Code Council. Candidate might undergo restrictions like restrictions on retesting for up to next 3 years.
What is the course outline for Building Codes and Standards (BC) exam?
For Building Codes and Standards (BC) the main objectives are:
- Architectural Plan Review
- Structural Plan Review
- Building Systems Plan Review
- Lastly, Field Inspection
What is the question format in the exam?
Each question has four-options with one correct answer each.
Is the examination open book?
The Building Codes and Standards (BC) is an open-book examination. However, if you are taking up some other exam, check the examination information in the exam catalog.
How many attempts can I have for the examination?
One should know that you will have six exam attempts within a six-month period and you are required to pay the exam fee at every attempt. Once you’ve attempted the exam six times, you must wait six months from the first attempt to register again.
What are the passing scores?
The passing score is the minimum score that you require to clear the examination. It is set by the ICC or the Exam Development Committee (EDC). This score is technically called a scale score and is set as 75 for the National Certification exams. If you achieve a passing score, you will be notified with the word “PASS.”
When will I get my results?
Results for examinations taken online or at a testing site are available immediately after completion of the examination.
What is a scaled score?
A scaled score transforms a raw test score (the number of test questions answered correctly) into other measurement units, called a scale score. However, please know that a scale score is not the number of questions answered correctly, nor the percentage of questions answered correctly.
Can I just look up the answers in the book during the exam?
This exam is designed to test minimal competency on the subject matter. Simply locating information in the book is not sufficient. Also, there is not enough time on any exam to look up every question on an exam.
When and where can I the test?
Proctored Remote Online Testing (PRONTO) is available 24/7, 365 days a year, in any secure location such as your home or office.
Computer-based Testing (CBT) is administered frequently at over 350 sites across the nation and outside the U.S. You can locate the testing availability and locations once your purchase the exam. Exams are good for one year from the time of purchase.
Boost your chances and get ready to qualify the exam with Building codes and Standards (BC) FAQ and practice test.