Building Codes and Standards (BC)

The Building Codes and Standards (BC) exam offered by International Code Council (ICC), is one of three exams that is required by the aspirants who aspire to become a Certified Building Official (CBO). This examination is intended for those with knowledge and abilities for development, application, administration and enforcement of codes adopted by the jurisdiction. Further, one should have the ability to conduct inspections and an understanding of laws and regulations to manage their department.
Exam Details
Building Codes and Standards (BC) certification exam is only for pre-authorized Florida DBPR candidates. So, the candidate should be a US citizen to appear for this examination. This is an open book examination with the code year and exam id as 2015 and FB respectively. The Building Codes and Standards (BC) exam questions will be 80 and the candidates are provided with a time limit of 2 hours. Moreover, this certification comes under state-level certification. Also, one should know that you will have six exam attempts within a six-month period and you are required to pay the exam fee at every attempt. Once you’ve attempted the exam six times, you must wait six months from the first attempt to register again.
Building Codes and Standards (BC) Exam Format
The International Code Council (ICC) provides the following 2 ways:
- Firstly, Computer-based Testing (CBT).
- Secondly, Proctored Remote Online Testing Option (PRONTO).
Schedule your Exam
Before Taking the Building Codes and Standards (BC) Certification exam, here are some registration tips that you should follow:
- Firstly, you must log in to myICC to make an exam purchase. If you already have an account, please contact ICC before creating a new one to ensure all of your information stays in one account.
- Secondly, you are required to pay for your exam first before you schedule if you taking a National Certification, California, or UST/AST exam via CBT or PRONTO. Moreover, you have one year to schedule or reschedule your exam without paying for it again.
- Thirdly, please enter your Legal name only exactly as it appears on the identification you will carry before testing. Entering wrong details will not let you take your test and no fees will be refunded.
- Lastly, you must have your government-issued photo identification ready to show the proctor.
Cancellation of Exam
The Code Council reserves the right to revoke or withhold any examination scores if, in its judgement, there is adequate reason to question their validity. The reasons are:
- Firstly, Giving or receiving assistance with answers during testing.
- Secondly, Using unauthorized materials during testing.
- Thirdly, violating the rules presented by the proctor(s).
- Lastly, attempting to, or removing examination materials or questions from the testing center.
In case of any of the above mentioned irregularities in the examination, involved candidates will not receive their scores unless approved by Code Council. Candidate might undergo restrictions like restrictions on retesting for up to next 3 years.
Building Codes and Standards (BC) Exam Requirement: Skills
- Development, administration, interpretation, application, and enforcement of the codes adopted by their jurisdiction.
- Management skills to manage department’s budget and the certification and training of inspection staff as well.
- Good understanding of laws and regulations relevant to human resources.
- Thorough knowledge of customer service, development, and maintenance of effective relationships with client groups.
- Good communication skills to effectively communicate with homeowners, contractors, subordinates, civic organizations, and news media, etc.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Certified Building Official (CBO) is responsible for:
- Development and implementation of programs that provide for the review and inspection of occupancies including fire and life safety, interior finish, occupancy type, height and area limitations, construction type, and general fire safety, according to Codes and Standards adopted by their respective jurisdictions.
- Moreover, they are also responsible for developing and implementing programs for plan review, permitting and enforcement to ensure consent with adopted Codes and Standards.
For More : Check Building Codes and Standards (BC) FAQs
Course Outline
The Building Codes and Standards (BC) exam consists of various sections and subsections the covers the following topics:
Architectural Plan Review (31%)
- Use and Occupancy Classification (4%) : Determine use and occupancy classification of structures for building code compliance.
- Use and Occupancy Classification (4%): Determine use and occupancy classification of structures for building code compliance.
- Construction Classification (4%): Determine required construction classification for code compliance.
- Means of Egress Provisions (6%): Determine compliance of the means of egress provisions of the structure with the building code.
- Light, Ventilation, and Sanitation Provisions (3%): Determine compliance with light, ventilation, and sanitation provisions of the structure with the building code.
- Fire Resistance and Fire Protection Provisions (5%): Determine compliance with fire resistance and protection provisions of the structure with the building code.
- Accessibility Provisions (5%): Determine compliance with provisions for accessibility for the structure with the building code.
- Environmental and Natural Hazard Provisions (2%): Determine a location for risk of, floodplain, seismic, wind, and snow of the structure with the building code.
- Special Use/Occupancy Provisions (2%): Determine compliance with special use occupancy provisions of the structure with the building code.
Structural Plan Review (13%)
- Structural Provisions (8%): Evaluate building elements for compliance with required structural loads including wind, seismic, soil bearing capacity, and snow loads.
- Material Standards and Construction Methods (5%): Determine compliance for building materials and required methods of construction.
Building Systems Plan Review (19%)
- Mechanical Provisions (4%): Determine compliance with the mechanical and fuel gas code.
- Plumbing Provisions (4%): Determine compliance with the plumbing code.
- Electrical Provisions (4%): Determine compliance with the electrical code.
- Fuel Gas Provisions (4%): Determine compliance with the fuel gas code.
- Energy Provisions (3%): Determine compliance with the energy code.
Field Inspection (37%)
- Site Inspection (2%): Evaluate site for soil conditions, excavation, and public protection with the code and approved plans.
- Foundation Inspection (4%): Evaluate footings and foundations with the code and approved plans.
- Structural Frame Inspection (4%): Evaluate structural frame with the code and approved plans.
- Building Envelope Inspection (2%): Evaluate building envelope, insulation, and finishes with the code and approved plans.
- Electrical Inspection (5%): Evaluate electrical installation with the code and approved plans.
- Plumbing Inspection (5%): Evaluation plumbing installation with the code and approved plans.
- Mechanical Inspection (4%): Evaluate mechanical installation with the code and approved plans.
- Fire Protection Inspection (4%): Evaluate fire protection, smoke control, suppression, and alarm systems with the code and approved plans.
- Final Building Inspection (4%): Evaluate the completed structure and systems with the code and approved plans.
- Special Inspection (3%): Evaluate the project for compliance with special inspection requirements.
Building Codes and Standards (BC) Study Guide
Building Codes and Standards (BC) certification is quite challenging and requires a lot of dedication and hard work combined with the right set of resources to ace the exam. There are numerous resources but you need to figure out the ones which are beneficial for you. The resources through which we can gain more in less time. This will help in increasing the time that will be available for practice and revisions. Let us look at some handful of resources that will help you in passing the exam with flying colours.

Getting familiar with Course Outline
For Building Codes and Standards (BC) exam, the main objectives are:
- Architectural Plan Review
- Structural Plan Review
- Building Systems Plan Review
- Lastly, Field Inspection
Study Resources
- ICC Training: ICC Code Council provides its users with a variety of Building Codes and Standards (BC) training options to earn education units, learning units, and/or Professional Development Hours (CEUs, LUs, and/or PDHs) that can be very useful toward Code Council Certification renewal.
- ICC Learning: ICC Code Council also provides its users with the Learning Center that facilitates you with an online library, face-to-face, virtual, and web sessions of different courses ranging from beginning to advanced level topics in all ICC codes which includes topics like plumbing, design, and construction, building safety and fire, etc. The Learning Center serves as a path for the aspirants towards their desired certification.
- ICC SKGA: For engineering and building safety professionals that are looking to keep themselves updated with technical information on building code and standards, SKGA provides you with life as well as recorded web sessions and face-to-face topics training as required by the user.
- IAS: IAS offers its candidates with recorded web and in-person training programs for compliance assessment professionals worldwide. IAS also offers CEUs to hand out ongoing professional development requirements.
Join Online Study Groups
Joining online study groups is the most appropriate way to improve your examination skills and understanding things in a better way. Since, study groups provides you with a platform to discuss and clear your doubts in the best possible way with the help of professionals. Moreover, joining study groups helps in keeping you updated with any recent modifications or any changes in the examination.
Take Practice Tests
While preparing for any examination the most important step is to take Building Codes and Standards (BC) practice tests. These tests do not only help you to check your preparation level, build your confidence and time management but also help you to get familiar with different types of questions that are frequently asked in the examination. Moreover, the Building Codes and Standards (BC) practice test consists of questions from basic to advanced level in a systematic manner.