Blue Prism Professional Developer (APD01) Exam FAQs

What is Blue Prism Professional Developer (APD01) Exam?
Blue Prism Professional Developer (APD01) exam represents the highest level of certification for a Blue Prism developer. The exam is aimed at already certified developers with a broad range of Blue Prism knowledge, experience, and skills. Blue Prism is one of the latest technology which is helping enterprise companies to experience robotics automation in their work culture. Blue Prism Professional Developer Certification is a professional level certification that involves advanced level tools and guides in Blue Prism.
Is there any prerequisite for the Blue Prism Professional Developer certification exam?
Yes, you must have to clear Blue Prism Accredited Developer (AD01) exam.
How many questions will be there in APD01 Exam?
There will be 50 questions that need completion in a time frame of 60 minutes.
What is the course outline for APD01 Exam?
The main areas to focus on the APD01 exam are – 1. Surfacing automation of terminal emulators 2: Java automation guide 3: Browser automation guide 4: Developer’s best practices 5: Exception handling 6: Using the mainframe spy tool 7: Working the queues guide 8: Mainframe automation guide
How much the APD01 exam will cost?
The exam will cost you $65 USD including the additional taxes.
What is the time duration for the exam?
You will get 60 minutes to complete the Blue Prism Professional Developer exam.
What are the languages available for Blue Prism Professional Developer (APD01) Exam?
This exam is available only in the English language.
What is passing score for Blue Prism Professional Developer?
You have to score minimum of 70% to pass the certification exam.
Does Blue Prism require coding?
Blue Prism includes different automation process which perform many operations. Some of the automating process requires to write code to complete the operations, the code can be written in C# language. In addition you need to have good knowledge in C#, as there can be requirement to write code.
How to prepare for the Blue Prism Professional Developer exam?
1. Blue Prism Professional Developer certification is for the certified developers having a deep knowledge and skills in Blue Prism. Before applying for this certification you need to pass the Blue Prism developer certification with getting good knowledge in objectives like application handling and data type. 2. You need to have advanced working knowledge in Blue Prism and its tools. Before stated prepared understand the objectives of Blue Prism developer. Then create a blueprint according to the important topics. 3. You need to master various functions of Blue Prism for that you need to have good study material to prepare good. 4. If you are not into self-study join online courses to get study material with a bulk of practice sets of questions. This will help you prepare well for the exam with provided assistance.
How do I schedule the APD01 exam?
The exam can be scheduled at Pearson VUE.
How to register for the exam?
1. Visit to Pearson Exam Registration.
2. Signup/Login to Pearson VUE account
3. Search for Blue Prism Professional Exam Certifications Exam
4. Choose Date, time and confirm the payment method.
Does Blue Prism provide test accommodations for candidates with disability?
Test accommodations provided by Blue Prism are provided on a case-by-case basis. It is essential for the candidates that the documentation of the disability provides a clear explanation of the current functional limitation(s) and a rationale for the test accommodation.
For how long the Blue Prism certification is valid?
The certification is valid for lifetime.
What are the measures taken if a candidate is found guilty?
- All your Blue Prism certifications and badges will be revoked.
- All your Pearson VUE test scores will be revoked.
- Your Blue Prism Portal account will stand inactive.
- You will ban from taking any Blue Prism certification exam.
- Your photo will be handed over to Pearson VUE test centres to further prevent you from attempting to take Blue Prism exams.
- Your certification will remove from employers’ Partner Certification.
Is it possible to cancel or reschedule the exam?
Yes, you can reschedule the exam by contacting the Pearson 48 hours prior to the exam appointment.
How do I reschedule or cancel an exam online?
Sign in to your exam program’s webpage. Under ‘Upcoming Appointments,’ choose the exam you want to reschedule or cancel. Any changes to your appointment will confirm through email. To check that your changes have been saved, click ‘Confirm Reschedule’ on the last screen.
What applications can Blue Prism integrate with?
Blue Prism has the ability to work with any application via its user interface. The solution provides a variety of tools to allow it to automate applications, and also includes the ability to expose and consume web services. There are also a number of pre-built integrations and skills to enable you to utilize a wide range of complementary technology available from our Digital Exchange.
English is my non-native language. Will I get extra time for the exam?
For all exams that are in English, an extra 30 minutes will there for any candidate who has specified in the Blue Prism Learning Management System (LMS) that they originate from a non-English speaking country.
How do I claim my digital badge?
If you are successful in your exam you will receive an email notification from the Acclaim platform ([email protected]) with instructions for claiming your badge and setting up your account.
How do I update personal information?
Visit your exam program’s homepage and sign in. Click ‘My Profile’ under the ‘My Account’ menu. You will see the ‘Edit’ option to the right of any fields you can update. If you are unable to update a field, please contact the customer service team listed on your exam program’s homepage to do so.
Can I merge multiple accounts?
Yes, you need to contact your program-specific customer service team to merge your accounts.
I lost my payment receipt. Can I get another one?
Visit your exam program’s homepage and sign in. Select ‘My Receipts’ to see your purchase history.
What are the payment methods available to take the exam?
You can use Visa, American Express, or MasterCard debit or credit cards. Candidates who are testing within some sanctioned countries need to contact the test center directly to inquire about other methods of payment.
My exam is not available at my preferred testing location. What should I do?
Test centers differ in terms of the days and times they are open and the exams that they deliver. If your exam is unavailable at your preferred test center or date/time, make sure you try an alternative date or search for other test centers.