Learning Amazon Lightsail
- It is preconfigured VPS or Virtual Private Service service
- Lists templates to choose of OS or OS with appications like wordpress
- Use it to deploy and manage websites, web applications, and databases in AWS
- Connect by Lightsail CLI and API.
- Service limits in a Lightsail account
- create up to 20 Lightsail instances
- 5 static IPs
- 3 DNS zones
- 20 TB of attached block storage
- 40 databases
- 5 load balancers
- Click on create instance button, to intantiate Lightsail instance, which will
- Launch VM(Virtual Machine)
- Attach SSD(Solid State Drive)
- Manage IAM
- Create Security Groups
- Setup DNS
- Create Static IP
- It does not autoscales as, fixed price. Change plan for more resources.
- Virtual servers with following features
- Free Static IP address
- DNS management
- 1-click SSH or RDP access
- Powerful API
- Highly available SSD storage
- Fast & secure AWS network
- 5 Lightsail plans with the following characteristics:
- Memory ranging from 512 MB to 8 GB;
- Processors with one or two cores;
- A solid-state drive with 20 to 80 GB of storage;
- Data transfer allowances of 1 to 5 TB;
- Prices from $5 to $80 per month.
- Application templates include
- WordPress
- Drupal
- Joomla!
- Magento
- Redmine
- Nginx (LEMP)
- Node.js
- and more.
- Connect to a Lightsail instance using SSH or RDP
- Can set rules about which ports of the instance are publicly accessible for different types of traffic
- For backup, use the Lightsail console or API to take a snapshot of your instance
- Connect Lightsail instances to VPC resources in your AWS account privately, by using VPC peering
- tag consist of a key and a value can be assigned to a Lightsail resource to organize and identify resource.
- Lightsail offers following resources
- Instances (Linux and Windows)
- Block storage disks
- Load balancers
- Databases
- DNS zones
- Instance, disk, and database snapshots
- Lightsail block storage
- uses SSD
- with each attached disk can be up to 16 TB
- can attach up to 15 disks per Lightsail instance
- Lightsail load balancers
- distribute traffic across instances in different Availability Zones
- accommodate increases in web traffic
- maintain good performance for your visitors during peak load times
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