Association for Proposal Management Professional (APMP) FAQ

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What is APMP exam?

The Association for Proposal Management Professional (APMP) exam has been built to confirm a candidate’s core competencies related to the skills and scenarios often encountered by bid and proposal professionals. 

What is the knowledge required for APMP Exam?

  • Learn to use the latest best practices for proposal and bid management.
  • Understand and improve client management and negotiation planning skills.
  • Understand and identify related suppliers and partners needed for a proposal.
  • Learn to implement information research and management, planning, development and sales orientation

What are the skills acquired for APMP Exam?

  • Develop an understanding of the fundamentals of proposal planning and development.
  • Develop the ability to write persuasive proposals.
  • Learn and develop the ability to interface directly with internal clients or external customers.
  • Gain knowledge of contemporary sales methodologies.

What are the topics covered in APMP Exam?

The Association for Proposal Management Professional (APMP) Exam covers the following topics –

  • Information Research and Management
  • Planning
  •  Process of Development 
  •  Management
  •  Sales Orientation

What is the APMP exam format?

  • Exam Format: Multiple choice Questions
  • Total Questions: 75 questions per paper
  • Passing score: 56% and above (42/75)
  • Exam Duration: 60 minutes
  • Exam Type: Open book, unrestricted materials 

What are the requirements for taking the test?

Candidates for the Association for Proposal Management Professional (APMP) exam must have a minimum of one year of experience working in a bid and proposal-related setting, which must be substantiated by a reference.

How to register for the examination?

You can take the exam in one of the following ways:

  • Online – You can study independently and then take the examinations through the APM Group’s website. The APM Group is in charge of administering the APMP certification exam and assessment processes.
  • Face-to-face Foundation Level training and test sessions are offered by APMP’s Approved Training Organizations (ATOs) on a regular basis around the world.
Association for Proposal Management Professional (APMP) Free practice test