Introduction to Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF)
- Used to build applications that coordinate work across distributed components. In it, a task represents a logical unit of work performed by a component of application.
- Coordinating tasks across application requires managing
- inter-task dependencies
- scheduling
- concurrency
- SWF gives control over
- implementing and coordinating tasks
- tracking their progress
- maintaining their state.
- required to implement workers to perform tasks
- workers can run on EC2, or on user’s premises.
- can create long-running tasks
- stores tasks
- assigns them to workers when they are ready
- monitors their progress
- maintains their state, including details on their completion.
- used to coordinate and manage execution of activities which
- run asynchronously
- across multiple computing devices
- feature both sequential and parallel processing
- when designing a workflow, analyze application to identify its component tasks,
- Tasks in SWF are ‘activities’.
- workflow’s coordination logic determines order in which activities are executed.
Workflow Domains
- It scopes SWF resources within AWS account.
- a domain for all components of a workflow is needed like workflow type and activity types
- workflows in different domains cannot interact with one another.
Workflow History
- A detailed, complete, and consistent record of every event occurring since workflow execution started.
- An event represents a discrete change in workflow execution’s state
- Events can be
- scheduled and completed activities
- task timeouts
- signals
- Are programmatic feature
- It can be
- Workflow starters
- Deciders
- Activity Workers
- actors communicate with SWF by its API.
- can develop actors in any programming language.
- Workflow Starter
- is any application that can initiate workflow executions.
- Deciders
- logic that coordinates tasks in a workflow
- It schedules activity tasks and provides input data to activity workers
- It also processes events arriving while workflow is in progress and closes workflow when objective has been completed.
- Activity Worker
- a single computer process (or thread) performing activity tasks in workflow.
- different activity workers process tasks of different activity types
- multiple activity workers can process same type of task.
Amazon SWF Tasks
- three types of tasks – Activity tasks, AWS Lambda tasks, and Decision tasks.
- Activity Task –commands an activity worker to perform its function. Has information that activity worker needs to perform its function.
- AWS Lamda –same as an activity task, but executes Lambda function instead of SWF activity.
- Decision Task –commands a decider. contains current workflow history.
Task Lists
- organize various tasks associated with a workflow
- similar to dynamic queues
- when a task is scheduled in SWF, specify a queue (task list) to put it in
- During polling SWF for a task, determine which queue (task list) to get task from.
- Task lists helps to route tasks to workers as per use case.
- They are dynamic and no need to register a task list or explicitly create it
Long Polling
- Deciders and activity workers communicate with SWF using long polling
- decider or activity worker periodically
- initiates communication with SWF
- notify SWF of its availability to accept a task
- specify task list to get tasks from
- Works well for high-volume task processing.
- Deciders and activity workers can manage their own capacity.
Workflow Execution Closure
- Once we start a workflow execution, it is open.
- open workflow execution can be closed as
- completed
- canceled
- failed
- timed out
- can also be continued as a new execution, or terminated.
- decider, person administering workflow, or Amazon SWF can close a workflow execution.
Lifecycle of a Workflow Execution
- SWF interacts with actors by assigning them appropriate tasks either activity or decision tasks.
- Starting from beginning of a workflow execution to its completion,
- Below, lifecycle of order processing workflow execution from components that act on it.

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