- Distributes traffic across multiple edge locations
- Filters requests to ensure that only valid HTTP(S) requests will be forwarded to backend hosts.
- Supports geoblocking, to prevent requests from particular geographic locations.
- distribute content with low latency and high data transfer speeds
- self-service, pay-per-use offering, requiring no long term commitments or minimum fees.
- files are delivered to end-users using a global network of edge locations.
- To use,
- For static files, store definitive versions of files in one or more origin servers.
- Register origin servers with Amazon CloudFront through a simple API call.
- Include cloudfront.net domain name, or a CNAME alias that you create, in web application, media player, or website.
- global network of edge locations and regional edge caches are used to speed delivery
- apt for distribution of frequently accessed static content
- supports content that can be sent using HTTP or WebSocket protocols.
- works with any origin server that holds original, definitive versions of content, both static and dynamic.
- For every origin for CloudFront distribution, assign a backup origin to serve traffic if primary fails
- use AWS Management Console to configure and manage CloudFront
- edge locations are worldwide network of data centers called edge locations.
- regional edge caches are located between origin web server and global edge locations
- Geo Restriction feature needs list of countries in which users can access content.
- can create custom error messages for HTTP 4xx and 5xx error responses.

- specify origin servers, like S3 bucket or HTTP server
- upload files to origin servers, called as objects. It can be
- web pages,
- images
- media files
- anything that can be served over HTTP
- create a CloudFront distribution, to tell which origin servers to get files from
- CloudFront assigns a domain name to new distribution
- CloudFront sends distribution’s configuration to all of its edge locations