ACI Dealing Certificate New Version 002-101 FAQ

Before venturing into the preparations for the ACI Dealing Certificate New Version 002-101 exam you need to have complete clarity. Here we provide you answers to some Frequently Asked Questions that will help you have a better understanding of the exam.
What is ACI certification?
ACI is a financial market association which provides 30 certification programs in different areas depending upon the requirements of the individuals.
What is the ACI Dealing Certificate New Version ?
The ACI Dealing Certificate New Version Exam has been designed to cover the basic competence skills for the new entrants in dealing floors and all other financial markets roles related to foreign exchange, interest rates and commodities instruments. The Syllabus has been built to allow basic understanding of these instruments and the related financial market segments, therefore providing the required competence level for existing or future financial markets professionals.
Do I need to be a member of the ACI to take the exam?
No, it is not necessary for you to be a member to take the exam. This exam is open for everyone
Who is best suitable for ACI Dealing Certificate New Version (002-101) exam?
This exam is best suitable for:
- Recent entrants and junior dealers (0-24 months experience) in the dealing room
- Middle office and operations personnel
- Compliance and risk officers
How many times I can give the ACI Dealing Certificate New Version Exam (002-101)?
You can give the exam as many times but you have to pay the entire fee for each attempt.
Where can I take the exam?
The is a computer based exam. You can take it at any of testing centres around the world. For a list of the available testing centres, go to ACI FMA Webshop
What is the Course Outline for the ACI Dealing Certificate New Version?
The ACI Dealing Certificate new version exam topics are:
- Firstly, Financial Markets Environment
- Secondly, Foreign Exchange
- Thirdly, Rates (Money and Interest Rate Markets)
- Also, FICC (Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities) Derivatives
- Moreover, Financial Markets Applications
When must I take the exam?
You can take the exam whenever you feel ready. You need to book the exam for the date and time of your own choice.
How much does the exam cost?
The exam fee is For Non-member – 280 €, subject to applicable taxes and For Member – 230 €, subject to applicable taxes
Can I use a calculator during the exam?
Yes you can use a calculator. Most ‘normal’ calculators are acceptable – it should be either a Hewlett Packard HP12C, HP17B or HP19B, or any other hand-held calculator which is not text-programmable. In addition, a ‘Windows’ calculator is available on the computer screen while you are taking the exam.
Can I use formula sheets in the exam?
Yes you are allowed official ACI formula sheets. The formula sheets should be provided by the testing centre on arrival; copies of the official formula sheets are also included with our training. In addition, the formula sheets are available on the computer screen while you are taking the exam.
When will I receive my result?
The result will be shown after the completion of the exam. You will also receive a copy of your electronic certificate through mail.