CCT Routing and Switching 100-490 RSTECH FAQ

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CCT Routing and Switching 100-490 RSTECH FAQ

CCT Routing and Switching Technicians are proficient in Cisco routing and switch models, accessories, cabling, and interfaces. Taking CCT Routing and Switching 100-490 RSTECH exam will help you gain an understanding of the Cisco IOS software operating modes and in identifying the commonly found software. So the candidates planning to take this exam must learn the CCT Routing and Switching 100-490 RSTECH FAQ to gain a better understanding of the exam objectives.

Top CCT Routing and Switching 100-490 RSTECH FAQ

What is 100-490 RSTECH exam?

The CCT Routing and Switching 100-490 RSTECH exam is associated with Cisco Certified Technician Routing and Switching certification. This certification exam focuses on the skills required for onsite support and maintenance of Cisco routers, switches, and operating environments.

Is there any training recommended to take the 100-490 RSTECH Exam?

Cisco Learning Network Store offers this E-Learning source for the candidates seeking to take the CCT Routing and Switching 100-490 RSTECH Exam. Visit here – Supporting Cisco routing and Switching Network Devices (RSTECH) v3.0

Is there any practice platform provide by Cisco Learning Network Store?

Cisco Learning Network Store also provides several practice platforms for the ones taking its certification program. This covers:

To which certification is the CCT Routing and Switching 100-490 RSTECH exam associated?

100-490 RSTECH is associated with the Cisco Certified Technician Routing and Switching certification.

What is the course structure of the CCT Routing and Switching 100-490 RSTECH exam?

  • General Networking Knowledge (25%)
  • Cisco Equipment and Related Hardware (20%)
  • Cisco IOS S0ftware Operations (29%)
  • Service-related Knowledge (26%)

What is CCT Routing and switching certification?

CCT Routing and Switching certification focuses on the skills required for onsite support and maintenance of Cisco routers, switches, and operating environments.

What knowledge and skills a technician must have in RSTECH?

  • Technicians in this area must be able to
  • Identify Cisco router and switch models, accessories, cabling, and interfaces
  • Understand the Cisco IOS software operating modes and identify commonly found software
  • Should be able to use the Cisco Command Line Interface (CLI) to connect and service products.
Who are the intended audience for the exam?

The CCT Routing and Switching 100-490 RSTECH exam is mainly intended for Cisco’s Third-Party Maintainer Field Engineers.

Is there any prerequisite for the 100-490 RSTECH exam?

There are no prerequisite for the exam.

How many questions will be there on the exam?

There will be 55-65 questions in the exam.

What is the time duration for the 100-490 RSTECH exam?

For this exam you will get 90 minutes to complete the exam.

In how many languages we can give the 100-490 RSTECH exam?

You can give the exam in English, and Japanese language.

Which technology is used in the 100-490 RSTECH exam?

This exam is using Networking technology.

What is the scoring format for Cisco?

Passing scores are set by using statistical analysis and are subject to change. Candidates receive a score report along with a score breakout by exam section and the passing score for the given exam. Cisco does not publish exam passing scores because exam questions and passing scores are subject to change without notice.

Where we can register for the exam?

You can register for the exam at Pearson VUE.

How to schedule the exam?

  • Log into your account at Pearson VUE
  • Select Proctored Exams and enter the exam number – 100-490
  • Follow the prompts to register

How will I get my exam result?

You will receive your score report shortly after passing the exam, which will be embossed with your digital photo taken at admission. Along with the passing score, the result will include a section-by-section score breakdown. You’ll be able to share these photo-imprinted score reports with potential employers. You can also choose to provide them preferential online access to the Authenticate score report for verification reasons. On the Pearson VUE candidate monitoring portal, you may also validate the online picture and exam score results. This is a recognized approach.

What is the exam retake policy?

If you fail in the exam of Associate, Professional, Specialist, or CCDE level, then you must wait for a period of five (5) calendar days, before becoming eligible for taking a re-attempt. Once you have passed the exam, you must wait for a minimum of 180 days before becoming eligible to take the same exam, with an identical exam number. Candidates failing in an Online / Un-Proctored Cisco (700-xxx series) exam will have to wait for forty-eight hours (48hrs) before retesting the same exam.

What is the Cisco exam validity?

Your CCT Routing and Switching 100-490 RSTECH certification will be valid only for a period of three years. After three years you will have to re-certify yourself to gain desired benefits.

What are the recertification requirements?

You can renew your certification by completing educational activities, taking tests, or a combination of the two. These are the methods for re-certification that are available.

  • Take an exam
  • Attend Cisco Live training sessions
  • Author content
  • Complete online training courses
  • Complete instructor-led training
  • Three-year re-certification requirement