EXIN Secure Programming Foundation FAQs

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EXIN Secure Programming Foundation FAQs

Get all your doubts resolved with EXIN Secure Programming Foundation FAQs

How many numbers of questions are there in the exam?

There are 40 questions in total in the exam.

Who is the target audience for this exam?

Secure Programming Foundation has been designed for programmers or software developers who are interested in developing secure (web-) applications and auditors who will work with the Framework Secure Software.

What is the Duration of the EXIN Secure Programming Foundation exam?

A. The duration of the exam is 60 minutes.

Is the EXIN Secure Programming Foundation available in German language?

No, the EXIN Secure Programming Foundation exam is only available in English, Brazilian, and Portuguese language.

What are the requirements to take the EXIN Secure Programming Foundation exam ?

There are no prerequisites required to take the EXIN Secure Programming Foundation exam.

What is the format of the EXIN Secure Programming Foundation exam?

The questions of the EXIN Secure Programming Foundation exam are available in the form of multiple choice.

When will I receive my results?

If you have taken your exam through EXIN Anywhere, your temporary result will be provided immediately. We aim to provide your final result within two weeks. If you have taken your exam with one of our Accredited Partners, all the documents regarding the exam will first need to be returned to EXIN for processing. We aim to provide you with the final result within 3 days after we receive the required documents from our Accredited Partner. 

How can I retake my exam?

You are allowed to retake the exam the same day, if possible, at your Exam Center or via the EXIN Anywhere Service. However, EXIN advises candidates to take time for extra study. The coaching report will show you which topics need additional attention.

Can I review my exam?

You can review the exam no later than two months after the date of the exam result notification. Please note that there are additional fees for this service. The review will allow you to compare your answers to the correct answers. Hopefully, this will lead to more insight into your exam result.

Can the EXIN Secure Programming Foundation exam be taken in online mode ?

Yes, You can take the EXIN Secure Programming Foundation exam in online mode through EXIN Anywhere Service.

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Boost your chances to qualify the exam and resolve all your queries with EXIN Secure Programming Foundation FAQs now!
